As soon as wife gives the ok i’m all set for tonight
Jye's wife when he asks to go see Ant-Man & The Wasp
As soon as wife gives the ok i’m all set for tonight
Movie any good? I'm not convinced from the trailers look average.
It was good
Just flipped that around for ya.
Can someone DM me what the alleged Infinity War tie-in is? I probably won't see this one in theaters.
Seen it tonight. Wow, it was bad. I am wondering if this is the worst Marvel film.
I actually liked the first one and think it's in the top half, but IM3 and Thor: TDW were more entertaining and those are both the worst Marvel films. Wasp was the best part. Ant-Man "malfunctioned" most of the time, the villains were boring, Fishburne and Pfeiffer didn't even need to be in it. Seems like the story literally stopped for a while at multiple points during the movie. Kinda felt like they just wanted a Paul Rudd comedy. How many times does the FBI need to run to his house? And I waited til the end of the credits to see AN ANT PLAYING DRUMS FROM THE TRAILER?
Only reason I am not cancelling my AM preorder is cause he might be awesome in A4.
I saw the first Ant-man in theatres and thought it was nothing special below average. Purchased it on blu ray when released and have watched it several times after. After several years I now find it enjoyable, fun and entertaining. The moral of the story….never judge a movie after first viewing.
Can definitely agree with that. For the longest I thought I liked Thor 2 more than Thor 1. The only times I saw them were in the theater. Watched both at home before Thor 3 and man did my opinion change.
That happened to me with Avengers 2. Wasn't a big fan when I first saw it. Thought the movie was OK at best. However, my sons and I watched Winter Soldier, Avengers 2, and Civil War over 2 days to get ready for Infinity War. Sure enough, after I watched the movies so close together, I enjoyed Avengers 2 much more. It just felt more integral to the overall storyline the MCU laid out over the years. The creation of Vision and the aftereffects of the destruction of Sokovia lead in perfectly to Civil War and Infinity War. A second viewing gave me a new appreciation for Avengers 2.