Broke and happy
I don't do that kind of thing.
Where’s crows when you need em.
I don't do that kind of thing.
That happened to me with Avengers 2. Wasn't a big fan when I first saw it. Thought the movie was OK at best. However, my sons and I watched Winter Soldier, Avengers 2, and Civil War over 2 days to get ready for Infinity War. Sure enough, after I watched the movies so close together, I enjoyed Avengers 2 much more. It just felt more integral to the overall storyline the MCU laid out over the years. The creation of Vision and the aftereffects of the destruction of Sokovia lead in perfectly to Civil War and Infinity War. A second viewing gave me a new appreciation for Avengers 2.
I suppose you hated Shrek when you first saw it too?
I saw the first Ant-man in theatres and thought it was nothing special below average. Purchased it on blu ray when released and have watched it several times after. After several years I now find it enjoyable, fun and entertaining. The moral of the story….never judge a movie after first viewing.
I agree. Sometimes I am just caught off guard with how a story unfolds. But this one...I just don't think there was any storyline that was intriguing nor any action sequences that I am dying to see again. I see everyone using "light" and "fun" to describe it. Not the words I associate with good movies.
I see everyone using "light" and "fun" to describe it. Not the words I associate with good movies.
Is there another filler movie before IW2?
So how did Janet Van Dyne survive in the quantum realm for 30 years without food, water, or oxygen? Where did she get that cloak she has been wearing? Or simply keep her sanity after decades of isolation.
And why is it that the quantum realm is depicted as some sort of dimension outside of our own instead of just a really, really small area between atoms. Given that, shouldn't Janet have been floating in the middle of the ocean somewhere because that is where she shrunk, instead of just any old place that they choose to shrink from?
How did she get a message into Scott's head and take over his body?
Ok here goes.
Lots of fun but that’s not how I would describe it.
My description for this movie is that it’s “A movie with LOTS of heart”
There that perfectly captures it yeah lots of heart lots of touching moments especially if you’re a parent.
This is also the first movie for me where I actually teared up in the first 5 minutes during Janet’s sacrifice even though it was a repeat from the first movie, a very touching moment helped by the fact that you’re watching Hank and Janet Pym from those comics from oh so long ago.
Movie had some hiccups for certain but overall DEFINATELY worth a theatrical experience DEFINATELY!
A few things.
I loved how thelab kept changing hands during the climatic San Fran chase
For a light movie it went dark at the end really seriously dark.
YES the disintegration shocked me and what made it dark is that poor Janet had been gone for over 30 years just to return and be killed, damn.
That being said the time frame didn't line up for me.
Didn’t the Pyms and Scott see the NYC invasion on tv?
Anyways one final thing.
For you Hereditary fans you will freak out during the end credits i’ll leave it there but holy crap it IMMEDIATELY brought me back to Hereditary.
That is worth repeating. Ant-Man the comedy action movie immediately made me think of Hereditary let that sink in for a moment will you lol
Fans of Hereditary will gasp out loud as I did. lol
Oh god much much better than BP it actually had competent action
Story-wise I think Black Panther was better. But BP had terrible CG IMO. It was detracting from that film. This film had better effects and I liked the action better here too. The Wasp was especially good.
Story-wise I think Black Panther was better. But BP had terrible CG IMO. It was detracting from that film. This film had better effects and I liked the action better here too. The Wasp was especially good.
Yeah Heaven forbid BP lack that when the previous 17 MCU films before it already filled that gap. .
[FONT="][FONT="]I would say that’s a fair analysis but I have a soft spot for parent child and husband and wife dynamics which made me tear up in Ant-man 2 quite a few times where as with BP I had zero emotional connections to it. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT="][FONT="]Don’t get me wrong I have full respect for BP’s success and humongous cultural significance and impact BUT as just a superhero movie in the grand MCU landscape I place it at the bottom of the list whereas I place Ant-Man 1 and 2 in the middle of the list.[/FONT][/FONT]
You do realize that the MCU is the modern equivalent of Star Wars 77 right