Ant-Man: The Movie is official!

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Finally saw this last night. It was nice, I liked it, but definitely didn't love it. The yellowjacket suit was amazing, but Cross was a d-list villain.
Finally saw Ant-Man today and it was a good, fun movie. :yess:

I thought the SFX were really good, I loved Yellow-jacket and wanted to see more Wasp! I thought the story was good but not great.

I enjoyed seeing Michael Douglas on the big screen again, I though he did a great job. :)

Ant-Man was fun to watch and I give it an 8/10 stars. :D
Saw it again tonight (second time) and really liked it even more.

Compared to AOU (which I barely made it through once....felt more like I was fulfilling an obligation rather than watching a movie), this one does move well, have a good cast and great effects. Very self contained while still connecting with the MCU.

...and that last post credits scene makes me feel so much better now about "Civil War"....just a tease, but a good one.
Finally saw this last night. It was nice, I liked it, but definitely didn't love it. The yellowjacket suit was amazing, but Cross was a d-list villain.

It pisses me off that he doesn't get to wear the suit until the very end

best movie commercial ever?

what!? :lol:lol:lol

This. And the entire "robbing TA HQ" sequence. And pretty much every calm moment with Hope and Pym.
A waste, but... at least it was an actual film and had all new cast of characters.
Still meh.


Seriously now every scene with Douglas was pure gold, he was too good for this movie
I saw this last night finally. Liked it a lot could use a bit more action, but it's an origins film so it's pretty much a set up for everything else. Can't wait to see Civil War.

I do feel sometimes that just getting the MCU movies seen and under my belt is half the task at hand.

Ant-Man was amusing, slight fare -- Rudd did a good job as did just about everyone. Pena was my favorite; I'm sure he was supposed to be. And the movie as a whole did exactly what it was supposed to. Too many ants for me. I did laugh several times; but never found it thrilling in the least. Best sequence was the fight with Falcon. Ant-Man's "super power" still bores me and it would never be my first choice for a 'special ability'.... so for watching a movie about #16 superhero, this movie did a good job. But formulaic in Avengers dollars. Or do we do Jurassic dollars now.

One thing I have noticed: Marvel is driving their machine so hard and so fast that I'm actually looking forward now to DC fare as a change of pace. Now that's something they didn't plan on.
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Fun and enjoyable movie. Went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised - much like GOTG. Acting was good, story was decent (although I wish they spent a little time fleshing out Cross's hatred of Pym a little more) action was solid with great special effects and the humor was good too. Cracks the top 5 Marvel movies for me.

1.) Captain America - Winter Soldier
2.) Guardians of the Galaxy
3.) Avengers
4.) Ant-Man
5.) Avengers: AoU
They played way too safe with the micro world, there were so many more obstacles they could've added.

What drain doesn't have a gunk of hair and muck, he should've got caught in one while someone was pouring drano. :lol

If they don't have a sequence of Hawkeye shooting him on an arrow tip it will be a big fail. :lol
The little ant that could:

Disney/Marvel is claiming that Ant-Man, with $24.765M, will retain the #1 spot at the box office, narrowly beating out the Sony newcomer Pixels, which even that studio is claiming made only $24M for the weekend.

As a group the top 12 films earned an estimated $140.6M. That's 2.4% more than last year's $136.8M, top-heavy, top 12 when Lucy led the competition with $43.9M for the three days. That Luc Besson/Scarlett Johansson film won out over Hercules, the Dwayne Johnson vehicle, which came in second with $29.8M.
Ironically, if that $29.8M finish had been this year, Hercules would easily have been #1.

It's a testament to how disappointing that Pixelsopening is. The Adam Sandler vehicle, on 3,723 screens, should have had cross-generational nostalgic appeal, much like last year's Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles, which opened to $65.6M in early August. But Pixels relied heavily, too heavily it turns out, on appealing to a generation that watched MTV when it actually showed music videos and hoping they'd bring their 8-bit obsessed progeny with them. Or maybe it signals an "out with the old, in with the new" shift, as Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator Genisys is dragging itself to an equally disappointing $90M domestic finish (it made $2.4M this weekend). Or, most likely, it was the awful reviews.

Any way you look at it Ant-Man, on 3,868 screens, benefited from it. The Paul Rudd starrer actually did take the 2nd week -57% dip that Thor: The Dark World did to reach that $24M. But, not only can it claim #1, the film also passed the $100M mark, taking 10 days to do so.
Yeah but how good was that fight against Falcon? I loved that part.

Wish it was a minute longer tho... :monkey2

One thing I have noticed: Marvel is driving their machine so hard and so fast that I'm actually looking forward now to DC fare as a change of pace. Now that's something they didn't plan on.
I was on the "DCCU hate train" last year, but BvS/SS teasers and seeing AoU changed that.
So far CW and Black Panther are the only MS films I'm looking forward to.