Any love for the Toybiz line???

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CREG Customs

Super Freak
May 4, 2009
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24" from a monitor ALL DAY
Hey guys and gals - Looking to unload my collection but not sure if there is even a market for it.

Is there even a demand for any of the Toy Biz stuff? Just wondering before I bother posting it in the sales thread. Thought this would be the best place to get an opinion.

I sold my whole collection of about 35 or so figures for barely $100.00 a couple of years ago... but it was loose...
they've been in clearance everywhere for the past 4-5 years...
You might get a good deal if it includes HTF figures and if all are mint.
Most of them have little value on the secondary market. There are exceptions. I was just today talking to a friend who mentioned the armored cave troll sells for decent money. He's debating bagging his loosies up and selling them in his comic book store.
I've been looking for a reasonably priced Sauron.... :naughty
I sold a few of them for decent money, relatively speaking.

The earlier ones were harder to sell, the ones that came in the bigger packaging. The bad guys gave me the highest return.
Many of the toybiz figures are pretty much worth pennies on the dollar, but with that there are also many that are worth twice and 3 times their retail value.

Many deluxe sets are worth decent value as well as these were a bit harder to find.

Rares and exclusives obviously fetch the most value...SUPER RARE Red boxed Arwen and Asfaloth comes to mind...usually fetching well over $100.

Hey guys and gals - Looking to unload my collection but not sure if there is even a market for it.

Is there even a demand for any of the Toy Biz stuff? Just wondering before I bother posting it in the sales thread. Thought this would be the best place to get an opinion.


Do you have any 12" figures? Like Gimli or Bilbo? Some use them for kitbashing.
I would like to put together a set of nice carded trilogy style figures. These are much better looking in the package than the older moon style packages. But most are overpriced, they just sit on eBay at high prices that no one is willing to pay. Its such a shame really and given the parallels with most, but not all, SSW statues it makes me hesitant about the current lineup.

I would think a lot of loose figs should bring about 1-2 dollars per figure. I bought a lot off craigslist that cost about 75 cents per figure.
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I have all figs from all the Toy-Biz line(s) and will never part with them.

My wife can make a funeral pyre from them and burn me, not very eco-friendly but WTH.
If you're in no rush to sell, wait for The Hobbit to come out. A few weeks prior to the theatrical release. There will never be a better time to sell LOTR merchandise. Of course, this could be a while as we all know.

Personally speaking, I agree with the angry orc and love this line as well. I still kick myself for not getting into it at an earlier time. Toy Biz did an amazing job and there is no way you could separate me from my Sharku and Warg 2 pack!
Another problem with these figures is the cheapo plastic they are made of. They don't hold up well and are prone to decay. The king of the dead is awful for this - plastic reactions.
theoden was the only one i kept :monkey2. even compared to all the new action figure stuff on my shelves he is still a great looking, well sculpted figure.
i STILL have all my LOTR toybiz stuff!!!
Some of the figures are amazing..Legolas,Gimli,Theodon,Elrond,The Uruk Hai.....Haldir!!!!
Even though im a massive SW fan,i did let myself go when LOTR came out...and i wont be selling these anytime soon.
I love the ToyBiz LOTR. I have the majority of them, if not all. They are very detailed and there are tons of secondary characters.

I also have the smaller scale Armies of Middle Earth which I also think are excellent. They had some great playsets. Anyone have those?
Really loved this line. I didn't collect them all, and I still always keep an eye out for a couple I couldn't really find...or when I do I have zero desire to pay $25 for them.

Here's just a sampling of my collection of them (the angle of this shot doesn't really show all the ones that were stuffed in there unfortunately). All of them have since been boxed away though with ones I never released from their packages. I don't think I could ever part with them though.

nice set-up, cahobbit. there were so many good figures in this line. have to stay out of this thread before i end up searching ebay for lots...
I had a lot of the early figures and playsets / horse and riders but sold most of them to start with the SS/W polystone figures. I have have kept a few back including a couple of 'Peter Jackson as a Hobbit' figures and the Frodo at Bag End dio. Also kept a Balrog battle Gandalf to go with my converted NECA Balrog. :)