Any love for the Toybiz line???

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Wow. Very nice! I wonder if we'll get as many Hobbit figures from the company that's doing them. I somehow doubt it.
I love these figures. The light up features and they're so well done for how small they are. So much fun.

Thanks for the pics! :)
As long as they sell well enough the line should be pretty deep and then I'd expect they'll do some figure for The Lord of the Rings as well.
As long as they sell well enough the line should be pretty deep and then I'd expect they'll do some figure for The Lord of the Rings as well.

Man...I just DON'T see that happening...I like the Bridge Direct line...but times have changed. I truly think that LOTR figures are a thing of the past...
We shall see. A lot will depend on what kind of momentum The Hobbit movies build as we go through them.
This all makes me wonder what might have been had Toybiz gone the 3-3/4 scale route before they ended. Would they still be around? Would their products compare with Hasbro?

We'll never know...but might've been awesome.
It was a perfect Blend of paint apps and sculpts and articulation. Hasbro stuff so consistently fails to deliver in those areas, it really is disappointing. I guess the economy was in a different place back when Toybiz existed.

At any rate, those classic collections are amazing-I still have my Toybiz Sauron and Gandalf on Shadowfax up on the shelf. I always wanted a Gothmog on Warg, but never found it.
Did gothmog come in a pack with warg? I thought that was sharku(sic).

I still have these, over 275, all in their packs. By the time rotk was released, toybiz had really hit their stride with these.

In my area the hobbit figures are becoming peg warmers, a shame really, as despite the smaller scale, the paint apps are generally good.
Did gothmog come in a pack with warg? I thought that was sharku(sic).

I still have these, over 275, all in their packs. By the time rotk was released, toybiz had really hit their stride with these.

In my area the hobbit figures are becoming peg warmers, a shame really, as despite the smaller scale, the paint apps are generally good.

He didn't come with one, I just wanted a Gothmog on Warg on my shelf. I think Gothmog only came with a warg in the miniature line and the SS statue. Still, wanted it.
The small scale older figures are great, never purchased any at the time sadly.

Yeah...I loved the scalability of the AOME with that and Toybiz...what a collection!! I miss those days.
Does anybody know if there's a checklist anywhere? Preferably with pictures. All of mine are loose but I think the only figure I didn't get was hobbit Peter Jackson. I couldn't justify spending the money to get him when he was released and by that time I saw how out of control I was about buying the TB line. Shortly after that I kinda called it quits on film/game/TV action figures/collectibles. I've loosened back up a bit since then though.
Well...start at in the archives. There are some variants listed there. I will be attempting to get a definitive checklist posted there since that line is COMPLETE.
Mine are all in a tub somewhere in my parents' attic. I've been meaning to get them down and set them loose on mine and my wife's new house but with a baby on the way and trying to figure out where everything's going, space is tight. I'll shoot some pictures when I eventually do.

I didn't bother to get the ones where they just took characters they had already released but packaged them in a new set like the kings of middle earth or the ring bearers or whatever. As long as I had the individual figure I was ok.

In the meantime I found this website:

Now that I go through those I do see several that I didn't ever see. But I'd say I have 85-90%.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread... I have just joined to primarily discuss Toybiz! Started my collection modestly when the first of Felowship figures arrived way back when... was a poor student so didn't buy many... added to them and eventually got the NECA Balrog on preorder and had to wait a year or so after paying for arrival! Was about $350NZD... international freight is horrific!
I loved it but was really disapointed when he took a dive off a shelf and broke his tail off and the lugs off the bayonet fittings of his wings. He has sat boxed for years and I had actually forgotten he was busted until last week! I won a bulk figure Auction on a trader site so dug out the collection incl my Balrog. The good news he is going in for surgery, hopefully replacing the plastic bayonet type fittings with alloy!
The rest of my collection is about 70 pieces (counting horses/wargs/Fell Beast sperate to their riders)
I have always wanted to build a display scene to house them in... nothing film/scene accurate just a terrian/scene of some sort where all my figures can display like they are taking a group photo shot! That said I have been inspired by some of the scenes I have stumbled across so that ida may change to recreating a scene or two, for that reason I have decided to hold onto my double ups to modify if I need extras.

Another idea I dream of building someday is a scale size statue of a Mamakil complete with battle platform, Rider/Pilot guy and a full contingent of Haradigm archers... figure it would dwarf the Balrog! Probably be an old man project for me by the time I get around to it... would need to collect a bunch of figures too!

I was reading in this thread someone asking if Gothmog came with a Warg... this gave me the idea to try my double up Warg & Gothmog and I have to say Gothmog sits on the Warg better than the original Sharku figure!

I do have a loose Mouth Of Sauron and Steed and a Morgul Lord Witchking loose for trade (dependant on freight costs) if anyone has a Shelob theyd swap... (loose, no packaging fine)
I have never seen Shelob in NZ! We only got the fullsize one used in the film but that is locked away at Weta ;) Will consider other trades if anyone is seeking these figures loose... I have a few others too.

Will upload some pics to my photobucket, if there is a better place online to chat Toybiz let me know! And any pics of sweet dioramas and displays appreciated- can do with some inspiration!
Shame that link is dead now. I have a whole box of loose figs and need some way to confirm they are complete before listing on eBay.
I kept all mine in their original art boxes, and that's where they'll stay.