I'm not a straight-edger per se, but I don't drink or smoke or do drugs. I do drink on occasion, but I don't make a big deal out of drinking/not drinking. Normally I just say "no thanks." Although I do think it's funny when people I don't normally socialize with look at me funny or insist when I turn down a drink. How do they know I'm not a recovering alcoholic and I'm trying to stay sober?
I had a friend in HS that used to call me a straight edger back in the late 80s early 90s, so I guess I was kinda like that back then. Even through college I never touched a drink or any kind of drugs (despite going to a fine arts college in Manhattan!). At that time it was mostly out of guilt since I would not feel right partying on my Mother's dime, especially since we were barely scraping by and sending me to NY was a big sacrifice to the family.
But once I got out of college and got a job, I drank like a fish for a good while. But that was the atmosphere at the place I worked at. Everyone there worked hard and partied 3 times as hard. Plus there were always events with open bars, so I would totally get hammered. I would end up falling asleep during the second leg of the party in the restaurant. (Is that passing out? I wouldn't consider it "passing out" since I chose to go to sleep. I consider passing out involuntarily falling asleep.) I would remember getting home, but wouldn't remember taking my contacts off and getting dressed for bed. I even remember going to a job interview way totally hung over after a long night of drinking. The great thing about living in NY is that you didn't need to drive anywhere, so I didn't feel nervous about drinking too much and getting home in one piece.
After I left that job, I never really drank again. It wasn't or isn't a moral decision or anything. I just never really liked it (because of the taste of alcohol) and I don't miss being drunk. The last time I got really drunk was for my bachelor party and I was puking the whole night afterwards. Now I just have an occasional drink now and again, but not enough to get wasted. I feel extra nervous about not being able to drive, so I tend to overcompensate.

, though my wife says she kinda misses how I used to be when I was drunk, cos she says I get very lovey when I'm inebriated!