Any Thoughts on the Plo Koon Exclusive?

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I'm definitely preordering the exclusive tomorrow! Very cool of Sideshow to go to such a length to find such a unique accessory for Plo.
The head sculpt and paint look great. It appears that Sideshow also didn't skip on giving Plo Koon a couple of different unique hands as they had with Kit.

But other then the Jedi robe, the costume looks completely off and he has the wrong colored saber. This I feel is Sideshow's biggest mistake in the Star Wars line so far, and I really hope they realize it's wrong and make an attempt to fix those issues.
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You're right, he should have a blue saber.

I believe that the outer robe is pretty nicely accurate. It just needs a little futzing and could probably be darker.

In fact, unless the flash from these pics are making everything look too light it appears that all of his clothes (robes, tunic, undershirt, etc) could stand to be a few shades darker. I just whipped up a quick comparison pic:

Yeah, but that might actually be a dull green and is in any case overruled by...

Official ROTS publicity photos:

Hasbro ROTS figure:

GG Plo Koon bust:
While it may seem that the 1/6 line has basically been all PT so far, it's really only 8-to-5 after the Plo Koon announcement. This includes Jabba but does not include the Salacious Crumb pack (which would make it 8-6).

And Plo Koon is also the first Jedi figure announced since Qui-Gon (six months ago).

Conversely, the PF line has been entirely OT so far (aside from Grievous, which was announced to coincide with the release of ROTS).

SSC has had a pretty fair balance so far, I'd say. And I would venture to guess out of the 10-12 figures that will be announced/released in '07, most will likely be OT (and hopefully several from ANH in particular).
IrishJedi said:
Conversely, the PF line has been entirely OT so far (aside from Grievous, which was announced to coincide with the release of ROTS).

Yes, it's been a long wait for prequel-loving PF collectors. Maybe we will get another PT PF character with the next announcement. ASAP.
thats a big time improvment. makes the robe look less "cheapo" like they just slapped some fabric together to get this out of the factory as fast as possible.
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IrishJedi said:
You're right, he should have a blue saber.

I believe that the outer robe is pretty nicely accurate. It just needs a little futzing and could probably be darker.

In fact, unless the flash from these pics are making everything look too light it appears that all of his clothes (robes, tunic, undershirt, etc) could stand to be a few shades darker. I just whipped up a quick comparison pic:


Apart from the darkness it seems the neckline on the outer robe isn't deep enough, and the inner robe is the wrong style. Of course if they just whipped the clothes up off Mace that's not too surprising. the darkness of the outer robe is probably the most glaring error.
LordAzrael said:
Apart from the darkness it seems the neckline on the outer robe isn't deep enough, and the inner robe is the wrong style. Of course if they just whipped the clothes up off Mace that's not too surprising. the darkness of the outer robe is probably the most glaring error.

No, I'm going to have to say the white pants are. Everything else is close though. Hopefully we'll get an explanation tomorrow.
I think the colors are fine, judging by this picture, just the shape of the robe needs adjusting:

yeah well, from what we saw with Qui Gon, doesnt look like SS will change the robe from what it looks like now.
Well, the saber he had in ROTS was blue but there are figures with the Yellow/Green Saber so. It's not wrong either.

Looking at some more photos it appears the coloring is pretty much correct. Especially that last shot by Amir.
IrishJedi said:
While it may seem that the 1/6 line has basically been all PT so far, it's really only 8-to-5 after the Plo Koon announcement. This includes Jabba but does not include the Salacious Crumb pack (which would make it 8-6).

And Plo Koon is also the first Jedi figure announced since Qui-Gon (six months ago).

Conversely, the PF line has been entirely OT so far (aside from Grievous, which was announced to coincide with the release of ROTS).

SSC has had a pretty fair balance so far, I'd say. And I would venture to guess out of the 10-12 figures that will be announced/released in '07, most will likely be OT (and hopefully several from ANH in particular).

Yeah, you are right. I guess with only 2 OT 12" shipped it seemed a lot more imbalanced and I'm sure if those 2007 rumors are true I will be saying at some point "enough of the OT lets get some more PT soon."
madden821 said:
Yeah, you are right. I guess with only 2 OT 12" shipped it seemed a lot more imbalanced and I'm sure if those 2007 rumors are true I will be saying at some point "enough of the OT lets get some more PT soon."

The interview I did with Brant said they would be doing OT next year of course but it wouldn't be all OT and would stay balanced.
madden821 said:
Yeah, you are right. I guess with only 2 OT 12" shipped it seemed a lot more imbalanced and I'm sure if those 2007 rumors are true I will be saying at some point "enough of the OT lets get some more PT soon."
yeah, but dont forget there hasnt been a PT premium format yet. i'd rather have a PF than a 12" anyday. trust me i started out with the 12" then got my hands on a PF Obi Wan than it was all over.

i think the robes will be corrected by the time he ships. he probably wont be in our homes until the first of the year anyways.