Apology for Web Order Problems
We want to take this time to sincerely apologize to those who, in the first hour of web sales yesterday, were met with frustration when completing the order, in which the system declined the users credit card because of address not matching.
We caught this error quickly and were able to act fast in working with our fulfillment house's order system to correct the problem. Once the error was fixed, orders were able to be completed.
At this time we are now sold out of the quantity of summer show exclusives (Lucius Malfoy as Death Eater mini bust, Shocktrooper mini bust with Shocktrooper Bust-Up and the Mara Jade mini bust) that we had held back to put on our web store.
We are currently checking for any duplicate transactions and will be canceling/refunding those that are duplicates. We will be releasing orders to ship this afternoon.
Again, we thank you for your patience.
Gentle Giant