Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie

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galactiboy said:
Hmmm... just realized that the day that the ATHF movie is to play on AS for free is also...April Fools Day!!!

Aarghhh! I think I may have been duped, but I'll be tuning in at 10 EST to find out ol
Dammit, I was already to tune in before I went to bed tonight too! :mad:
Even if it wasn't April Fool's day, this is adult swim we're talking about. You can't believe a word they say.
I think they pulled their April Fool's joke last night with a "Perfect Hair Forever" marathon! They did that last year by showing a bunch of 70's TV shows in place of the normal programming! I was really bummed, expecting Bleach, Blood+ and Eureka 7! So maybe they got it out of the way early, and will really show the movie tonight...
Just saw the one sheet at the theatre today and I have to give it mad props. They went with a Boris Vallejo parody and it looks fantastic. This is the best image I could find onlie.

Bobblehead Dave said:
I hate admitting I'm old - but I just can't stand this show and figure it must be an age thing. I also really hate the simplistic animation.

I do wish they'd do more Korgoth though - that was hilarious.
I agree, Korgoth was F#@*in' awesome! I really wanted to see more, the wait for the series sucks.
The ill Jedi said:
You what AS show I can't *****king stand? That stupid 'Tim and Eric Awesome Show', God that sucks Donkey balls!! I also hated 'Tom goes to the mayor'.
I completely Disagree, I love Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! I'm not a fan of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, so I won't be watching the movie.
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We were sooo had!!! They played the intro and then started Futurama.... keeping the ATHF movie playing.... but in a tiny square on the left side of the screen...:lol:rotfl :lol :rotfl
LOL! They are playing it in a postage stamp sized window in the bottom corner while Futurama is on. Tim and Eric rule btw :D
DarkArtist81 said:
We were sooo had!!! They played the intro and then started Futurama.... keeping the ATHF movie playing.... but in a tiny square on the left side of the screen...:lol:rotfl :lol :rotfl
:lol I just noticed that!! They did keep their promise though! :D
Did any of you buy The Venture Brothers season 1? It had KILLER art from Bill Sienkiewicz on the cover and interiors. The art is reason enough to buy it not to mention how consistently funny it is.
Ryanfromindiana said:
Did any of you buy The Venture Brothers season 1? It had KILLER art from Bill Sienkiewicz on the cover and interiors. The art is reason enough to buy it not to mention how consistently funny it is.
Right here! :wave

The Venture Brothers Rule!!! :rock I love the art too, it's very nice.



Yes, a masterful April Fools joke by AS!!! I totally believed that once the movie started it was all good... man what a great burn!!!

I will definitely be seeing this one in the theaters!

BTW, for those Venture Fans out there Season 2 is coming out sometime this month on DVD! Can't wait to watch them again... anyone know when Season 3 is due out? I really hope its not another 2 year wait...

And bring on more Korgoth!!!
Kabukiman said:
Oh, you did not just knock Sealab. The Brak Show in it's prime wasn't even half the show Sealab was, even in season 4. Sure, Murphey was great, but the show went on just fine without him.

Frisky Dingo is probably my fave thing on adult swim now next to Aqua Teen.

Hey now, I love Sealab 2021, but you have to know when to put down a dying dog. Harry Goz, the voice of Murphy, passed away during one of their best seasons and they had his son Michael continue doing Murphy until the season ended. The next season when they had him doing Captain Shanks and something definitely changed. It was like when Phil Hartman died and was replaced by Jon Lovitz on News Radio.
The chemistry was perfect when Murphy was on the show, same as when Hartman was on News Radio. Their replacements, while talented in their own rights, just could not keep up "the magic."
Now to compare Sealab to the Brak Show is not fair, they are different shows, they have different humor. That would be like comparing Futurama to Family Guy.
That is what is so great about Adult Swim, it is a veritable buffet of different comedy styles. Everybody gets something, therefore everybody wins.

...And I DON'T WANT to start a Family Guy vs Futurama discussion. Maybe in the next thread.
piccolodaimaoh said:
Hey now, I love Sealab 2021, but you have to know when to put down a dying dog. Harry Goz, the voice of Murphy, passed away during one of their best seasons and they had his son Michael continue doing Murphy until the season ended. The next season when they had him doing Captain Shanks and something definitely changed. It was like when Phil Hartman died and was replaced by Jon Lovitz on News Radio.
The chemistry was perfect when Murphy was on the show, same as when Hartman was on News Radio. Their replacements, while talented in their own rights, just could not keep up "the magic."
Now to compare Sealab to the Brak Show is not fair, they are different shows, they have different humor. That would be like comparing Futurama to Family Guy.
That is what is so great about Adult Swim, it is a veritable buffet of different comedy styles. Everybody gets something, therefore everybody wins.

...And I DON'T WANT to start a Family Guy vs Futurama discussion. Maybe in the next thread.

I actually liked Captain Shanks. In fact, one of my favorite episodes of all time was Dearly Beloved Seed - something about Shanks telling everyone how his brothers Castor, Pollux, Belleophon, Hercules, Oddysesuss, and Perseus died ... it still cracks me up after dozens of viewings.

The thing that angered most fans was the way the show was handled. The network announced a 6th season. They advertised it. Then, to cut Season 5 to 8 episodes and let everyone know it was canceled with a stupid little - we're not coming back - blurb at the end was crap. I know AS likes to play jokes, but that wasn't something to mock. Sealab was one of the founders of their lineup ... it brought people in before the Fox Line-up got pimped.
DouglasMcc said:
I actually liked Captain Shanks. In fact, one of my favorite episodes of all time was Dearly Beloved Seed - something about Shanks telling everyone how his brothers Castor, Pollux, Belleophon, Hercules, Oddysesuss, and Perseus died ... it still cracks me up after dozens of viewings.

The thing that angered most fans was the way the show was handled. The network announced a 6th season. They advertised it. Then, to cut Season 5 to 8 episodes and let everyone know it was canceled with a stupid little - we're not coming back - blurb at the end was crap. I know AS likes to play jokes, but that wasn't something to mock. Sealab was one of the founders of their lineup ... it brought people in before the Fox Line-up got pimped.

Adult Swim played that same game with the Brak Show. They didn't announce it was the last episode until it aired. That was extremely frustrating.
I am with you when it comes to Sealab bringing people to Adult Swim. That, Aqua Teen, Cowboy Beebop, Harvey Birdman, Home Movies and the Brak Show are the founding fathers of Adult Swim. Sundays and Thursdays ruled because of these shows. Oh, and don't forget about Space Ghost.
I may see this in theaters.

Speaking of [adult swim], anyone here like Metalocalpyse? I know I do. I've enjoyed seeing the metal references. In particular a restaurant called Burzum Burgers comes to mind.

Burzum Burgers is a reference from fomer Norwegian black metal band Mayhem band member, Varg Vikernes who's the sole member of the band Burzum. The name Burzum is of course a reference to The Lord of the Rings.

Vikernes is currently serving a prison sentence for, among other crimes, stabbing to death former Mayhem bandmate Øystein Aarseth.

I'm off to listen to some Strapping Young Lad! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

ATHF Rules! "Do what now?"
I wasn't sure if I like Metalocalypse at first... but after watching a few episodes I think its pretty kickass!!! Anyone know who Mark Hamill is the voice of on that show? I always see his name in the credits, but I'm too lazy to figure out who he voices.