I'll take it that this was directed at me. Sorry if I upset your movie going experience and enjoyment of Aquaman. A faceless nameless person on the internet posting a comment on a forum made to talk about man dollies.
I guess I offended you cause you liked it? So, do you feel it was an intelligent movie? A piece of cinematic art? A riveting drama that compels one to think about society, their life and views in general? By me saying the movie was dumb, did I make you feel dumb?
Most action/scifi/comic book movies are dumb. Guess I should have clarified and instead said dumb fun maybe? I like lot's of movies that others call dumb, stupid and terrible. I liked the 1st Transformers movie, and I actually enjoyed the the last one, The Last Knight or whatever it was called. My friends make fun of me that I like the movie Battleship. I've enjoyed all the Fast & Furious movies too. And they're pretty dumb. Entertaining, but dumb. There's plenty of dumb movies I like and have spent money to see in theaters and buy it on home video. These movies are meant to be fun.
And nowhere did I say I was "Mad" that it was making money. If anything I am merely commenting on how amazing it is that the world is embracing Aquaman while shunning Superman, Batman & even Wonder Woman in comparison. That the Execs at WB are so confused as to what makes fun compelling movies. That Aquaman is outshining the most well known, popular and liked comic book characters in the WORLD.
And finally, I am allowed to have opinions about things I haven't seen or experienced. I've never been physically abused, but something makes me feel it wouldn't be fun nor should it be tolerated either.
Again, sorry if I ruined your Aquaman experience...