Is there any mixed media on the Aquaman statue ?
I'm fairly excited to announce I finally ordered my Aquaman! Used the $20 monthly code.
Was going to pass but then had a 5% off code pop up the other day for this and the Green Goblin, so I caved. Mostly for the base and love the exclusive head sculpt.
Bet you're glad you didn't use the $20 code nowWoo! Had Aquaman in my cart. Then went web browsing for about 10 minutes. Came back to my Sideshow window and got a 10% off coupon. Ordered with a $43 discount!
Sometimes if you leave things in your cart for awhile, a random pop up with a discount code will pop up. I've got it before with the PF Stormtrooper and a few other PF's, the latest was the Goblin and this Aquaman. It usually isn't that much but as a Canadian collector every penny helps with the poor dollar and once the duty gets added.How did you get a 5% code to pop up for Green Goblin? I've never seen codes pop up on their site.
Sometimes if you leave things in your cart for awhile, a random pop up with a discount code will pop up. I've got it before with the PF Stormtrooper and a few other PF's, the latest was the Goblin and this Aquaman. It usually isn't that much but as a Canadian collector every penny helps with the poor dollar and once the duty gets added.
Definitely... Great price
Very glad to have him locked up. The Big 7 is a must for me. Now I just need a Flash and Manhunter PF.
I am trying to get the code for both this and GL. Anyone know if you have 2 in your cart if the code will pop?