Super Freak
It will not.
Thank you
It will not.
I've had the code pop up when I had two items in cart.
I have tried it but it wont seem to work thats why I asked. I ended up getting one for GL now I am trying for this guy
I'd like to see if the 10% discount will work again after a few weeks ...or a month even. Just want to know if it's time sensitive.
Good luck. It seems that once you use a 10% pop up code, any other 10% code you get won't work. It looks like it's one and done with the 10% codes. That's what happened to me.
They are the same as the 10 percent codes, randomly pop up. I got one for Aquaman and The Goblin before I realized they had the 10 percent ones as well. But oh well still better than nothing, all thou I wish I had known before I ordered I could have gotten an even better deal haha.ohh i didn't know, what about the 5%?
Good luck. It seems that once you use a 10% pop up code, any other 10% code you get won't work. It looks like it's one and done with the 10% codes. That's what happened to me.
I'd like to see if the 10% discount will work again after a few weeks ...or a month even. Just want to know if it's time sensitive.
I've used a 10% pop up code on the last 4 things I've ordered.
They don't work like that anymore.
You sure? I just ordered two items last week with a 10% code.
It may be that too many people caught on to the pop up codes and SS shut it down.
Yes 100% positive. I spoke with ssc about them yesterday. In reaction to an exploit in their promotion system they made them account specific. There will be a time period but that also is customer specific. The thing that bugs me is that they haven't fixed the way the codes work. I still get 10% codes when I am logged into my account even though I'm not eligible to use them. I told the rep that it makes not want to buy the item knowing I was offered a discount I can't use. They need to fix it so the codes dont pop up until your account is actually eligible again to use the promotional discount
FYI I was told that the 10% and 5% codes fall under different promotion tiers so you should be able to use 1 of each. I have not tried using a 5% code so I cannot confirm this.
Thanks to everyone that thought starting a thread on exploiting the 10% off codes was a good idea.
Everything was fine when we posted the info in the threads individually, people would actually have to read the thread to enjoy the 10% off. Once that thread got posted, it seems all down hill from there.
I don't know. Like 30 people read that thread. And of the people that posted the 1 dozen comments, 10 of them had already used the code before the thread was started. I didn't see one post in that thread of someone saying they used the code successfully after reading that thread. And it was only up for an hour. I highly doubt that was the nail in the coffin. I posted how to get the code in probably 8 threads, which made other people successfully use the code and spread the word. And I saw other people doing the same thing. It's the community as a whole that caused an influx of sales to Sideshow over a period of about 1 week. Not a single post.
Let's dispel with the fiction that Sideshow didn't know what they were doing with the 10% off codes. They knew exactly what they were doing. Anyone who thought that 10% off thing wasn't planned or was for an unlimited amount of time I think is kidding themselves. Maybe, just maybe the 10% thing would be working as it did last week if nobody ever shared the information at all in any thread. But then we aren't really helping ourselves are we? I think those who got to utilize the code were the people who check this forum frequently. And those that missed out, missed out. Sales are sales. They're not meant to last forever... Unless it's like the Man of Steel PF or something lol.
Good points made. I was posting like you in many different threads on how to do it when someone asked I helped them. At least when we were posting in each respective thread a person would either have to been reading the actual page, or go back a few pages to find what everyone was talking about. The direct thread made it easy , and maybe brought it to Sideshows attention. I'm glad many people were able to get the discount. I feel I personally ordered more than I normally would have so in the end Sideshow wins.