Re: Aragorn PF!!!
where did you hear that?
Anakin Skywalker PF
Aragon PF
Andy B. returning to SS
where did you hear that?
Anakin Skywalker PF
Aragon PF
Andy B. returning to SS
where did you hear that?
Wowza...Thanks! But let's not jump the gun... My contract w/ DC goes until the end of '08. And even then, nothing is for sure.... Just sayin' my hiatus from SS isn't necessarily "for good".
I've been on such a roll of negativity recently (just ask The Josh) that all I can say about this PF is...
If you add the SS 1/4 scale Elessar crown to the cinemaquette, as some have done, it looks stunning. There are certainly a lot worse looking Aragorn's out there than the cinemaquette.
I'd like to see that!
Can you post a link?
Cover up that cro-magnon forehead and you have the best likeness ever of Viggo.
Sideshow Aragorn PF - Lame
Yassir! I'd say you are right. Eyes look a little light to me though.
You aint kiddin'! Thats a hell of a collectible! Is it yours??
Compared to what......Weta.
Please elaborate on your aforementioned statement.