Armysoldier74b's "Executive Room"

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Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Beautiful pics, as usual really!

Now where are those Rainman GBU pics? :impatient:
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Beautiful pics, as usual really!

Now where are those Rainman GBU pics? :impatient:

Patience my friend.
Seller didn't want to ship them to my APO address so he shipped them to my Mom and Dad's home in Miami.

Tracking says it will arrive on Thursday
After inspection it will get shipped to me. Its taken longer than expected, but good things come to those who wait ;)
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Cool. That is true, good things come to those who wait. And I'm waiting!!! You know, you have have your parents take some pre-pics for all to see while we wait! :)

Patience my friend.
Seller didn't want to ship them to my APO address so he shipped them to my Mom and Dad's home in Miami.

Tracking says it will arrive on Thursday
After inspection it will get shipped to me. Its taken longer than expected, but good things come to those who wait ;)
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room" Good, Bad, Ugly

Cool. That is true, good things come to those who wait. And I'm waiting!!! You know, you have have your parents take some pre-pics for all to see while we wait! :)

GBU have arrived at my parents home in Miami!!! :panic:

Edit: Some quick inspection pics before they get wrapped back up and shipped to me. :)

The Good


The Bad


The Ugly


Ordered Corrose Decals for Beetlejuice, GBU, and both Hendrix (Only one of the two decals pictured)


Last edited:
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

excellent,GBU... you must be stoked

Man that is an understatement. My old man is a man of few words and I watched it all the time with him as a kid. Few words were ever spoken while we watched, but just the moment is something I cherish to this day.

Hot damn, now that's a haul!

Can't think of anything else I wanted more in my collection than these three. Wonka w/ Oompa is the only one that comes close.

Looking good!!!!

Thanks man I will take some better pictures once they are in my possession. :)
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Major congrats, Steve. I can imagine what you are feeling right now waiting to get them in hand. I have similiar memories of watching the movies with my dad. Take some nice closeups. Take care.
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Major congrats, Steve. I can imagine what you are feeling right now waiting to get them in hand. I have similiar memories of watching the movies with my dad. Take some nice closeups. Take care.

Mystole I haven't seen Tuco in-hand yet, but I am convinced I want a Tuco head just like the one you have. :pray:
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room" Night Photography

Photography is quickly becoming an obsession of mine. Still learning the basics of Photography, but I feel I am making some progress.
Here are some familiar night pictures I took before, along with some updated ones. Photography isn't any cheaper than 1/6. These lenses can cost a pretty penny, but so worth it.





Hope you like. :)

GBU have been shipped from Miami to Italy and I should have them in-hand early next week. :panic:
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Beautiful panoramic shots! Your view is very photogenic. :duff
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Beautiful panoramic shots! Your view is very photogenic. :duff

Thanks man!

As nice as it is. I use it for practice so when I start taking pictures all over Italy. First time I was here I traveled all over Italy at least three times and all I had at the time was a point-and-shoot :slap

Not making that mistake this second time around.
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room"

Those are some fantastic pictures. What a beautiful country. Makes me want to visit.
Re: Armysoldier74b's "Secret Room" GBU are here!!

Here it is people! Finally have them in hand I am as giddy as giddy can be right now. This is soo awesome. I have to step out real quick so I'll see if I can get some better pics if I have time today. Started my new classes today so I have to read up. Enjoy!

BTW - Today I acquired Velvet Morning's Full Set Bounty Hunter Blondie today. Very unexpected, but a must-have for me so I might have to sell my Morpheus, Neo, or FS Doc to recoup. I'll be back in a few.


