I'm having Randy Kintz do me a set of Batman and his "Batverse" in grey scale commissions... So far I'm up to six (sorry for the small pic sizes):
I think the next two (or three) I get will be Ivy, Croc, and/or Red Hood
And for those following (forced into following) my ever loving battle with Ale Garza, here's the latest:
I contacted Paypal a couple days ago, who said I was both too late to dispute the transaction and that I had sent the payment incorrectly as a "gift" and not as a "goods/services" transaction (due to Garza's request to avoid paying fees), and that I should contact my "higher payment institution" to fight this problem there. Fortunately, I paid through my Amex card, and was able to file with them easily, and so now my claim is trickling down from them, back to Paypal, and down to Ale. Paypal did say that any grievances people have, whether they can get their money back or not, does affect a bad seller as he would be emailed my complaint and given a bad mark on his Paypal record (whatever that is, and/or what it can do). So, after filing all of this a couple days ago, a weeks worth of time after I last emailed Garza saying that I was going to do it, he finally emails me back:
"what the hell?! ive been out of town, and i come to find out youve requested a chargeback and now my accounts negative?! look i'm not target i dont give refunds you will get your artwork when i get to it, either drop this now or i will file a claim back stating that youve filed a false claim. once you have you will recieve your artwork!"
It definitely sounds like he's scared and angry, but to try and threaten me by telling me he's gonna lie to Paypal by saying I'm making a false accusation is dubious. Can't I simply forward this email that he sent to me to Paypal, which clearly states that he admits he did not do my artwork? What do you guys think I should do? Leave things alone, contact Paypal about this email, contact Amex and get things straight, or reply to Garza about this? I expect that my $210 will be coming back through Amex, but I highly doubt I'll ever see the $160 I paid him in cash again. Should I make mention of that cash to anyone? My only worries is that most of our dialogue was through Facebook, and I don't know how to save it, how to forward it, or even how to make sure it doesn't get deleted.
Anywho, looks like this year's off to an exciting start