Art Buck 'One leg longer than the other syndrome' is very real

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I know it's crazy, but on some of my figures the leg has been shorter than t'other.
I think my Mace Windu figure has this problem. at first I thought his boots wernt pushed up all the way or something, but this thread made me take a look at it again and seems as if there's no problems with the boots...
nash said:
I think my Mace Windu figure has this problem. at first I thought his boots wernt pushed up all the way or something, but this thread made me take a look at it again and seems as if there's no problems with the boots...
My Mace appears to be fine, though he is alittle on the short side.
None of my figures have this problem because I relaize it's just the hips have gone wonky and need top be straightened.

Let me say it again. None of my figures have this problem. Behold the benefits of playing with your toys.
Customikey said:
None of my figures have this problem because I relaize it's just the hips have gone wonky and need top be straightened.

Let me say it again. None of my figures have this problem. Behold the benefits of playing with your toys.
That's exactly what I have surmised. Sideshow hips have a tendency of looking alright even when they're posed askew off to one side or the other.
If the legs still look off with one longer then the other with their pants pulled down and lower torso/hips straighten out then you have problems.
Customikey said:
None of my figures have this problem because I relaize it's just the hips have gone wonky and need top be straightened.

Let me say it again. None of my figures have this problem. Behold the benefits of playing with your toys.

I'd like everyone who has been saying that that isn't the case to back it up with photos. I'm sure if Justin would shoot a pic of that Skinner figure without the pants the problem would be obvious.

It simply doesn't make sense how moulded plastic can change form one figure to the next like that.
I'd like everyone who has been saying that that isn't the case to back it up with photos. I'm sure if Justin would shoot a pic of that Skinner figure without the pants the problem would be obvious.

It simply doesn't make sense how moulded plastic can change form one figure to the next like that.
Yup. Let see some pics. :tap
Justly demanded, Dave. How on earth can one figure have wonky legs while another doesn't? :rolleyes: I think one of the most important skills a collector can have is how to futz with your figures to make them look perfect. I would hate to buy a figure I couldn't mess with, or else how would I play with it? Just play around with the legs; you'll get it right for sure. :cool:
I've done everything I can think to do with Scaramanga and the legs will just not even out.

And no, I'm not taking pics. You'll just have to take my word on it... or don't, whatever.
Personally if Obsolete Man says that he tried twisting it around and it didn't work I would assume it is true, because he has no reason to lie about it. As for me, I'm not about to mess with Qui-Gon's boots, but when I get some spare time I'll drop Abe's pants and see if twisting the hip or whatever makes a difference just to have some more empirical evidence. I don't have a way to take pictures and the difference is so minute I doubt you would be able to tell in the picture.
I dont think anyone was calling TOM a liar. I certainly wasn't. I think we are just curious to see if we can't see the problem.
pixletwin said:
I dont think anyone was calling TOM a liar. I certainly wasn't. I think we are just curious to see if we can't see the problem.
Sorry, bad choice of words, I didn't mean to imply that. Besides his post came after the request for pictures, so you can't call someone a liar before the fact...can you? :lol Part of what made me state it the way I did was the phrase "...back it up with..." that seems more like a "I think its BS so prove it to me." But if I took that in the wrong way sorry about that too. :eek:
Agent0028 said:
Sorry, bad choice of words, I didn't mean to imply that. Besides his post came after the request for pictures, so you can't call someone a liar before the fact...can you? :lol
Well some people can. Chimpus did. :lol
You want the truth?! YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously though. From the many times I've examined my pantsless Scaramanga doll (I can't believe I'm a 31 year old man saying that :monkey4) it appears to me that the actual legs themselves are the same length but that the left is set just a bit higher in the pelvis socket.
I took some photos that I'll be posting in a minute of Luke. Yes the legs appear to be the same length, but one is higher (or lower) on the pelvis, plus the pelvis piece is on crooked. I know my Luke, Aragorn and Obi-Wan suffer more from this problem than the others, though Luke's not too bad. It seems to affect the figure more when the footwear is on. Maybe there is also problem with the inside of some of the boots? Yet it's always the right side.

It's hard to see, but I assure you it's there. If you look closely at the pelvic area where the legs connect.

Standing w/markers
Lying w/markers

Don't mind the feet, it was those damn socks.
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It is a well known fact that if you were to measure the legs of an average human they would NOT, in fact, be the exact same length. This just further perpetuates and eternalizes Sideshows exhausted efforts to the most realistic figure manufacturer in the business today.

King Darkness said:
It is a well known fact that if you were to measure the legs of an average human they would NOT, in fact, be the exact same length. This just further perpetuates and eternalizes Sideshows exhausted efforts to the most realistic figure manufacturer in the business today.


He argues persuasively not only for the Kurgan but for all things Sideshow. :lol
Oh, so that's why Ob-Wan looks like he has short leg syndrome.

OK, I think Obi-Wan's issue is the boot since the legs are on pretty straight. Now, Aragorn is another issue. Since I was re dressing it anyways, I decided to see what was wrong with his leg, well...

Aragorn (flash)

Check out that pelvic area! There is a problem, but it's random. It could be fine or a little off, or even REALLY off.
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First, thanks for posting pictures Sachiel.
What I'm seeing is that the pelvis piece just needs some repositioning. I measured the gap between the pelvis and the top of the legs and they appear to be equal when compared right to left. I don't think any of the plastic pieces have been glued into position improperly.
I'll try to post a pic of what I think is going on.
I don't have Photoshop so MS Paint will have to do.
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