Article: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Backstage Pass - TF Preview

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

Late to the party, but as a fan of both Annihilation series and the GotG books(as well as Nova series), I really hope this lives up to the hype. Those are absolutely my favorite run of Marvel books. This trailer looks good, but I feel to get those who know nothing about this on board, we're going to need a bit more.

As for the HT figures, I'm definitely grabbing every one, but there better be a Ronan the Accuser figure. Such a bada** villain.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

Late to the party, but as a fan of both Annihilation series and the GotG books(as well as Nova series), I really hope this lives up to the hype. Those are absolutely my favorite run of Marvel books. This trailer looks good, but I feel to get those who know nothing about this on board, we're going to need a bit more.

As for the HT figures, I'm definitely grabbing every one, but there better be a Ronan the Accuser figure. Such a bada** villain.

Prior to the movie being announced I'd never heard of the group.

I was sold from the minute I discovered the lineup had a talking raccoon with a fondness for heavy weaponry :lol

My expectations for HT figures from the movie are at the moment minimal.

I'm sure they'll do a great job with whoever they make but they've only ever gone deep into the character pool with Avengers and the Iron Man series, all their other Marvel licenses have had relatively little.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

Guardians looks like it'll be a lot of fun and a big contrast from Captain America 2 which looks to me like it's going to be taking itself a bit too seriously.

Kudos to James Gunn for putting Halfworld in the Keystone Quadrant as Rocket's planet of origin and Lylla as one of his associates.

Well its just a different animal. The modern Captain America, especially the Brubaker years, were very serious more for adults rather than little kids. It is 100% the type of comics i love to read and Brubaker is my favorite writer so Im really psyched for Winter Soldier!!!! I only wish they let him write all the DC and Marvel movies scripts :)

Guardians im sure will be fun and funny, Avengers style, but I much prefer more serious movies like TDK Trilogy, MoS, The Crow, Sin City, those types of comic book films. But thats just me. They all have a little comedy in them, but Marvel really plays up the comedy lately and gets a bit much for me sometimes especially like IM3. But thats just my personal feeling, we all have different opinions what we like & dont like.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

Well its just a different animal. The modern Captain America, especially the Brubaker years, were very serious more for adults rather than little kids. It is 100% the type of comics i love to read and Brubaker is my favorite writer so Im really psyched for Winter Soldier!!!! I only wish they let him write all the DC and Marvel movies scripts :)

Guardians im sure will be fun and funny, Avengers style, but I much prefer more serious movies like TDK Trilogy, MoS, The Crow, Sin City, those types of comic book films. But thats just me. They all have a little comedy in them, but Marvel really plays up the comedy lately and gets a bit much for me sometimes especially like IM3. But thats just my personal feeling, we all have different opinions what we like & dont like.

That's fair enough if that's what the comics are like, I'm just not a fan of comic book movies that take themselves as seriously as stuff like the Nolan/Goyer movies as I find them to be too morose.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

Prior to the movie being announced I'd never heard of the group.

I was sold from the minute I discovered the lineup had a talking raccoon with a fondness for heavy weaponry :lol

My expectations for HT figures from the movie are at the moment minimal.

I'm sure they'll do a great job with whoever they make but they've only ever gone deep into the character pool with Avengers and the Iron Man series, all their other Marvel licenses have had relatively little.

I you read comics, grab Annihilation, Annihilation Conquest, GotG and Nova series. I've read all the big events Marvel and DC put out and that run right there blows them all away.

I really don't see them making every character unless this movie does Avengers money. But the three musts hafta be Star Lord, Rocket and Ronan. Anyone else would be just icing on the cake. If HT on gives us those three, I'd be extremely happy.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

Well its just a different animal. The modern Captain America, especially the Brubaker years, were very serious more for adults rather than little kids. It is 100% the type of comics i love to read and Brubaker is my favorite writer so Im really psyched for Winter Soldier!!!! I only wish they let him write all the DC and Marvel movies scripts :)

Guardians im sure will be fun and funny, Avengers style, but I much prefer more serious movies like TDK Trilogy, MoS, The Crow, Sin City, those types of comic book films. But thats just me. They all have a little comedy in them, but Marvel really plays up the comedy lately and gets a bit much for me sometimes especially like IM3. But thats just my personal feeling, we all have different opinions what we like & dont like.

Brubakers Cap run was phenomenal. I feel like it made Captain America relevant again. I'd like to think that there's a place for both serious cbm and comical cbm as long as the humor isn't over the top, which I think kinda ruined IM3 for me(besides the twist...even though it didn't stop me from buying HT Mandarin :) ). How am I suppose to care about your home being blown up and Pepper getting kidnapped when Tonys just cracking jokes right after?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

I you read comics, grab Annihilation, Annihilation Conquest, GotG and Nova series. I've read all the big events Marvel and DC put out and that run right there blows them all away.

I really don't see them making every character unless this movie does Avengers money. But the three musts hafta be Star Lord, Rocket and Ronan. Anyone else would be just icing on the cake. If HT on gives us those three, I'd be extremely happy.

I've only really got into Marvel in a big way via the movies but I have been exploring a few of the comics.

Annihilation, Conquest and the 2008 Guardians run are all high on my list and I'll definitely get some of them later in the year as the compilations are being reissued in the UK so I'll be able to get them a bit cheaper than the original editions.

I've enjoyed the Marvel NOW! Guardians run so far and I've also got the Rocket & Groot and Guardian of the Keystone Quadrant compilations so I've got a decent feel for the characters.

If HT did go all the way with the characters I'd buy the whole team, Yondu, Ronan, Nebula and Korath but realistically we'll just get 2 or 3 figures at the most.

I liked Trevor and the figure is one of HT's best in a long while but agree that the other humor in IM3 was too much although my main issue was how Tony had the shrapnel removed from his chest at the end like it was the easiest thing ever.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

I've got all the Annihilation hardcovers. It's a great story. I've totally lost track of Marvel comics the last few years though.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

Late to the party, but as a fan of both Annihilation series and the GotG books(as well as Nova series), I really hope this lives up to the hype. Those are absolutely my favorite run of Marvel books. This trailer looks good, but I feel to get those who know nothing about this on board, we're going to need a bit more.

As for the HT figures, I'm definitely grabbing every one, but there better be a Ronan the Accuser figure. Such a bada** villain.

Same here. Plus Ronan has a hot wife :lol
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

I've only really got into Marvel in a big way via the movies but I have been exploring a few of the comics.

Annihilation, Conquest and the 2008 Guardians run are all high on my list and I'll definitely get some of them later in the year as the compilations are being reissued in the UK so I'll be able to get them a bit cheaper than the original editions.

I've enjoyed the Marvel NOW! Guardians run so far and I've also got the Rocket & Groot and Guardian of the Keystone Quadrant compilations so I've got a decent feel for the characters.

If HT did go all the way with the characters I'd buy the whole team, Yondu, Ronan, Nebula and Korath but realistically we'll just get 2 or 3 figures at the most.

I liked Trevor and the figure is one of HT's best in a long while but agree that the other humor in IM3 was too much although my main issue was how Tony had the shrapnel removed from his chest at the end like it was the easiest thing ever.

This current GotG is ok. There's a few things that need explaining that come from the DnA run, and Rockets "blam, murdered ya" line is kind if annoying(even though I think it's meant to be), but overall I enjoy it along with the new Nova series.

I agree that the ending of IM3 was a wtf moment; why didn't Tony just do that when he came back from Afghanistan? Why deal with the poisoning from the arc reactor in IM2 if the shrapnel can be removed? Definitely my least favorite Marcel studios movie so far.
1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

I agree that the ending of IM3 was a wtf moment; why didn't Tony just do that when he came back from Afghanistan? Why deal with the poisoning from the arc reactor in IM2 if the shrapnel can be removed? Definitely my least favorite Marcel studios movie so far.

More or less, it was Tony being insecure and relying on his technology more than his actual skills as a engineer. Which was the whole thing in the movie being "The Mechanic", and him blowing up his suits.

And I do agree that in IM3 and especially The Dark World that the humor scenes were ill timed. I hope that both The Winter Soldier and GoTG doesn't suffer from this.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

I liked Trevor and the figure is one of HT's best in a long while but agree that the other humor in IM3 was too much although my main issue was how Tony had the shrapnel removed from his chest at the end like it was the easiest thing ever.

I agree that the ending of IM3 was a wtf moment; why didn't Tony just do that when he came back from Afghanistan? Why deal with the poisoning from the arc reactor in IM2 if the shrapnel can be removed? Definitely my least favorite Marcel studios movie so far.

The answer is Extremis. He figured out how to fix the whole blowing up glitch and "fixed" Pepper. Then realized he could use Extremis to fix himself and had the shrapnel, and more importantly the arch reactor removed from his chest which could then be healed by Extremis. If you go back and watch the epilogue after the fight with Killian, he pretty much tells you so in the narration, though I will fully admit that Tony's part is only hinted at, but within the context of the film itself is the most realistic conclusion.

In an effort not to highjack this thread completely with Iron Man 3 talk; I have never been that excited by GOTG, more curious and intrigued. I admit I was a little underwhelmed by the initial trailer but I have to admit the trailer is growing on me and am still curious and intrigued by the film. We will see how good it ends up being in July.
As for Hot Toys, I can't imagine me getting anything from the line unless the film blows my mind and/or they release a Rocket by himself for a fair price. And even then I'm not 100% sure I would want it. I do hope they do at least all 5 of the Guardians though, as I believe not doing the whole team sort of puts off a percentage of potential customers. These guys are meant to be a team and not having the whole team just makes a collection look empty, much like what happened with Watchmen.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

The sticky part is knowing they might not do all the guardians if any at all. If they do Gamora and nebula I would be happy but its wishful thinking right now.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

The answer is Extremis. He figured out how to fix the whole blowing up glitch and "fixed" Pepper. Then realized he could use Extremis to fix himself and had the shrapnel, and more importantly the arch reactor removed from his chest which could then be healed by Extremis. If you go back and watch the epilogue after the fight with Killian, he pretty much tells you so in the narration, though I will fully admit that Tony's part is only hinted at, but within the context of the film itself is the most realistic conclusion.

In an effort not to highjack this thread completely with Iron Man 3 talk; I have never been that excited by GOTG, more curious and intrigued. I admit I was a little underwhelmed by the initial trailer but I have to admit the trailer is growing on me and am still curious and intrigued by the film. We will see how good it ends up being in July.
As for Hot Toys, I can't imagine me getting anything from the line unless the film blows my mind and/or they release a Rocket by himself for a fair price. And even then I'm not 100% sure I would want it. I do hope they do at least all 5 of the Guardians though, as I believe not doing the whole team sort of puts off a percentage of potential customers. These guys are meant to be a team and not having the whole team just makes a collection look empty, much like what happened with Watchmen.

I'll hafta rewatch IM3 for that in the end. If they only make one figure from this movie, it'll probably be Star Lord, but I'd much rather have Ronan. He has a history with the Avengers so even without anyone else from GotG, he'd fit right at home in anyone's collection.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

If I had to guess, HT would probably end up doing Starlord and RR. They are probably the 2 most important characters. If that happens, that would be disappointing.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

If they pull off a decent RR, I'll bite. Knowing HT, they will delay this but in the end deliver an outstanding figure!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

If I had to guess, HT would probably end up doing Starlord and RR. They are probably the 2 most important characters. If that happens, that would be disappointing.

I wish it weren't true, but I would have to agree with you...Star Lord if anyone, and then mayyyybe Ronan. If they do any at all. If the movie tanks, then it will be Green Lantern all over again. :(
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - Guardians of The Galaxy - Collectible Figurines

The answer is Extremis. He figured out how to fix the whole blowing up glitch and "fixed" Pepper. Then realized he could use Extremis to fix himself and had the shrapnel, and more importantly the arch reactor removed from his chest which could then be healed by Extremis. If you go back and watch the epilogue after the fight with Killian, he pretty much tells you so in the narration, though I will fully admit that Tony's part is only hinted at, but within the context of the film itself is the most realistic conclusion.
Extended Chinese ending..... attribute it to the skill of the Surgeon or Surgeons...