Ask Sideshow - Empire - Han's coat

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Holy Moses!

Han's coat is brown?!? I always thought it was blue. :eek:

I don't get the attitude that goes with the post. Who the hell says stuff like "you can thank me later"?

SSC should have just ignored the idiot.

:lecture :lecture You said it...that Über nerd is an idiot.


Lucky orange plastic pony. :drool :drool :drool
The actual physical jacket was brown, although when you saw the movie it was blue (filters/tint,whatever), which leads the question would you want a figure to be actually correct to what they used or correct to what you actually saw on screen?

Brown, brown, brown. The colors are completely off in the DVDs.

In ESB Vader's saber is pink. Do you want the figure to have a pink saber?
Yep it's brown.

20 years ago when west end games were putting out their gaming miniatures, I was sending them out to be painted and ended up meeting the guy(and wer'e now good friends) and when it came to the Hoth han, he said brown,I said blue. we argued a bit, I mean after all, I was the die hard fan, what the hell did he know? So after he left my house, I put in my lousy copy of TESB and watched closely. The best scene to notice it is when Han's got his back to the camera, his right hand over threeepio's mouth and he's talking to the deck officer. brown.

I called my friend and told him simply, I can aadmit when I'm worng, Paint it brown.

As for the tool that arogantly told sidehsow how to do their job, doesn't this ass realize that SS has access to more stuff than us fans do to make accurate figures. They always seem to prove it when necessary.
I wonder if it was the process used to incorporate the effects that made it blue in some scenes, like how on occasion, the bluescreen turned Superman green. :huh
well it sure looks brown to me......and I always thought it WAS blue.This type of weird color phenomenon is very common in tv and movies. The reason I think it looks blue was due to the lighting and lens effects from filming. And that being, said I think if sideshow makes a Hoth Han they should go with brown because it's costume accurate.....Hey, but that's just me.

Different Strokes For different Folks!
Weird... When it comes to LOTR I wanted costume accurate coloring.. but for SW I want screen accurate. What a dilemna! :google
Yes, personally I prefer screen accurate. It's a debate SSC has internally all the time - look at Gandalf the White - do it white as it came off on screen or the actual off-white that the costume was?

Anakin's tabard looks black on screen, but it's actually a not so dark brown.
Han's coat is thermo sensitive. Brown when indoor, turns blue when out in the snow. Noone is wrong.:D
I think picking screen appearance over actual prop should come into play when the difference is considerable.

This coat being an example, the film made the fabric appear to be an entirely different color than the actual costume.

Anakin's clothes on the other hand, I think a more true brown to what the actual costume was would have worked better and still looked dark enough you wouldn't think it didn't look like the movie.
I would prefer screen appearance any day. If SS does decide to make a 12" Han in Hoth gear, I hope its blue.:)
But even in the original unaltered DVDs his coat looks blue.

I really don't know enough about it, but I believe the "unaltered" DVDs are not what was seen on screen in 1980. I believe ESB Vader's saber is pink on both DVD versions. I'd have to poke around on the revisited forums for the right info.

EDIT: The original theatrical versions were NEVER released on DVD. The ^^^^ commonly know as GOUT are NOT the theatrical versions. They are the "definitive collection" masters transferred to a incredibly BAD looking video.
The differences between the theatrical versions :
1) The colors are different on many scenes - just look at the Tantive IV segment on E4 (the walls, the rebels shirts) or the blue snow on E5. I don't know if these are color anomalies created by the film aging, or "deliberate creative decisions", but they were NOT on the original movies, just look some older laserdisc or VHS transfers.
2) The digital video noise reduction which was done to this masters ^^^^ed the complete video, now we have a video with a very small detail, trails, 4-eyed stormtroopers and similar ^^^^ which was not on the original film.
3) Some frames are missing
4) The audio is NOT from the theatrical versions, it is from the DE version. It is VERY similar to the theatrical stereo, but not the same.
5) At some countries (like Austria) the audio suffers from PAL speedup.
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To end this debate, I took a shot of the actual coat using a flash, and guess what....


Clearly, the true colour is brown.
I was going to post a screen shot from the DVDs to show that it looked blue on screen, but this is what I found:


This is from the non-special edition version of ESB, which is all I have on my computer. I'm not sure if they changed the color for this, or what the special edition one looks like.