Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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I see no competition in the HS- ACI far superior- not talking about the hair- the face itself. Now I like the rooted hair even more than that really poor sculpted hair. That said I think the rest of the Asmus figure looks good.
the 2 pictures from instagram shows a big difference in paint app in the chin area. The screaming/singing headsculpts' chin, looks like hairy balls ( sorry Asmus).
I understand some of you bought the ACI, and that's great. From what I've gathered, many have had to switch out bodies and futz the heck out of the ACI one, so it's not like it's "perfect" either.

Until he is in hand, I have no reason to piss and moan.

I didn't swap bodies on my ACI Aragorn, I didn't want to mess up his clothes or the ties on the vest. Did add water to his hair and turn him into "Amon Hen" Aragorn by taking off his duster though. He looks fantastic. One of my favorite figures by far.

This one looks okay. Head turned out better than I thought it would (the regular one, not that silly mouth open thing) and I really like some aspects of the clothing and gear. I think the ACI Aragorn absolutely kills it though, it looks like a quality piece through and through. Only thing that bugged me about it is all that weathering on the Lothlorien cape and his solid boots. Everything else though? No comparison between this and the ACI. I'd pay the additional $70 or so that the ACI every time.

Atleast there are options though, and while Asmus may not have knocked Aragorn out of the park, I've been impressed with their Villains. The orcs? The Mouth of Sauron? Saruman? Amazing.
The ring looks nice, but are there any similar close up shots of the Lorien clasp or the Evenstar pendant?

ACI's Aragorn definitely looks too bulky on the stock body...maybe it's better without the duster but I can't see myself posing him without it. I think they easily have the best head/facial sculpt, but ACI dropped the ball by not having the eyes looking straight ahead which, combined with the questionable choice of going with rooted hair when they had one of the best sculptors around working on the project, resulted in a look that's a just too "Blue Steel" for my taste.

Ironically, I also think the Asmus head sculpt might have turned out a little stronger with rooted hair as the sculpted hair piece is not the best and seems to rest a little too high on his head.
The ring looks nice, but are there any similar close up shots of the Lorien clasp or the Evenstar pendant?

ACI's Aragorn definitely looks too bulky on the stock body...maybe it's better without the duster but I can't see myself posing him without it. I think they easily have the best head/facial sculpt, but ACI dropped the ball by not having the eyes looking straight ahead which, combined with the questionable choice of going with rooted hair when they had one of the best sculptors around working on the project, resulted in a look that's a just too "Blue Steel" for my taste.

Ironically, I also think the Asmus head sculpt might have turned out a little stronger with rooted hair as the sculpted hair piece is not the best and seems to rest a little too high on his head.

He's looking up, not straight ahead. In general, something about the paint apps is a little too male model imo.

blue steel ranger.jpg

I think the sculpt was shaping up great, wish they had continued along these lines:

Aragorn sculpted.jpeg
You suck and I hate you.:wink1::). Who did you order from?

I ordered from that 7 store on eBay. The one that had one of the first in hand images. They are really dependable. I had preordered the exclusive ACI ringwraith when it was a region exclusive and they delivered. Paid a hefty markup on this one though but I couldn't wait. The official excuse will be I wanted it to arrive before my birthday but I probably would have caved no matter what. I still have one preordered through Timewalker too so hopefully the second head looks better in hand.
Crawford has a really good review of him up right now.

I ordered Saruman and the Mouth directly from Asmus so I will see how they ship with them.
Asmus, what are the chances of us getting a Return of the King Aragorn in his Gondor armor?

I think the fact that Anduril was not included with this set is a good indication that Asmus is planning to do a Black Gates version of Aragorn (probably with armored Brego).

In the meantime, congrats Asmus!

I hope they throw in the Helms Deep outfit along with the Black Gates outfit for the next one.

A Black Gates Aragorn would include both a red undershirt and a chain mail tunic (granted, both were probably more "kingly" looking than what he was wearing at Helm's Deep), but I think that's all you would really need to get his Helm's Deep appearance...just put the brown Ranger jerkin over the chain mail. You'd also have to put a dark stain wash on the shirt and jerkin if you're going for the "in battle" look, as he was thoroughly drenched.

I wonder if the Elassar/Coronation look could be achieved through a head swap and a few extra accessories, or if a whole separate figure would have to be made.