Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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Found some photos here: Mordor Collectibles ~ Asmus Toys Aragorn » Mordor ~ The Land of Shadow

Sorry if these have been posted already but they were new to me so I thought I'd share. I've been really close to canceling this figure but I think I'll keep the faith.


That hoodie needs a hose down, methinks.
Oh, for some reason, I thought you did.
How come you passed on the ACI?

I only want one Aragorn (to replace my old Sideshow version), and I decided to go with Asmus. I just think it will go better with my current LOTR figures, which are all from Asmus.

Anyway, I'll soon see...
I only want one Aragorn (to replace my old Sideshow version), and I decided to go with Asmus. I just think it will go better with my current LOTR figures, which are all from Asmus.

Anyway, I'll soon see...

I see.
I'm usually open to replace my figures if a better one comes along.
Heck, I'm one of the few the prefers medicom amazing spidey to hot toys.
I dont really stick to one brand, but which one I think would be better. So I kept my eye open
to this one specially after seeing the really great asmus gandalf proto. And since they took their time with Aragorn,
if I was blown away, I have no reservations switching to Asmus.

I will say, I do prefer rooted hair, so the asmus really had to be something that I would be blown away, for me to switch to it.
There are things that I do like on asmus better, and things I find better on ACI.

Hopefully you end up really liking yours. Looking forward to your pics and review of it.
Hopefully you end up really liking yours. Looking forward to your pics and review of it.

I hope so too. Like all preceding figures, this Asmus figure will likely be a work-in-progress for me -- meaning I will have a lot of futzing and tweaks to do to get it just right. I look at Asmus as almost "kits" that require effort to complete rather than out-of-the-box ready-to-go kind of figures, like HT.... although nearly every figure benefits from good futzing.
I hope so too. Like all preceding figures, this Asmus figure will likely be a work-in-progress for me -- meaning I will have a lot of futzing and tweaks to do to get it just right. I look at Asmus as almost "kits" that require effort to complete rather than out-of-the-box ready-to-go kind of figures, like HT.... although nearly every figure benefits from good futzing.

Good to hear that, cause I do see the potential, and had I decided to pull the trigger on this figure, I would do the same.
I think just about every single figure I have had some sort of mods. Some just subtle, to complete repaint and major overhaul.
I usually do mods on things that really start bothering me. If its something that I can overlook, I'll leave it alone.

Like I said, I do see the potential on this figure. The good thing is, some figures, once modded, or fully futzed, they're night and day.
Like DX12 Batman, I was gutted when I first received it, cause I was hoping it would be like "Medix" combo, right of the box.
But with lots of futzing, and replacing some parts here and there, its almost a different figure.
Heck, even the ACI needed some major TLC, cause the hair absolutely needed to be futzed. I had to cut the hair on mine...cause out of the box, he looks like an 80's hair band Aragorn. lol.
I got a shipping tomorrow notice from Timewalker, too. I had originally ordered Bard, Tauriel, and Aragorn at the same time, but they moved Tauriel to another order (and moved my Pangaea Gladiator General into this one) so they could ship it asap.

Guess that means they aren't expecting their Tauriel shipment to arrive for a while yet.
Does BBTS take returns? I'm going to put this beside the ACI to see which I prefer. I might keep both nonetheless since some parts look better done than others.
Mine rocked up on tuesday from 7toys7 in hong kong.( had only ordered it on the thursday!) I live in the UK. Anyway I should be able to get some half decent pics tonight to show you guys. I got him out the box for a few minutes. The paint app is great! I wasent expecting such a good finish to be honest. Its a good solid figure, i agree with the forehead statements, all it requires is the hair to come forward slightly, or the hairline needs a stronger paint finish. Either way under shadow this is not a big deal.
Judging by pictures, I think I much prefer this portrait to my ACI, while I learned to appreciate the versatility of rooted hair that I now endorse for long haired figures. As it goes for the accessories (always looking at the pictures) I think this has better boots, belt, and of course the stuff that wasn't included in the ACI version (bedroll etc) while surely ACI has better Lorien cape, quiver and probably weapons.
If Hot Toys wasn't thundering Star Wars stuff like Grond on Minas Tirith gate this would be already in da house. Sadly I have Vader, Han&Chewie, Stormies and 1/4 Boba to go so there is no chance at the moment.