Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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I think you chose wisely. I do not like rooted hair but I am actually really impressed with ACI's Aragorn and I do like the figure but it does not fit in well with the others. On its own or posed battling one of the Nazgul or their villains ACI's hold his own and looks good but standing him next to Asmus' makes him look very doll-like in my opinion and he starts to stand out in a bad way.

Idly enough the second sculpt might be growing on me. When my second one arrives I am going to try it out and see if I can find a pose that works. I am not holding my breath though.

Saruman and Gandalf the Grey will have rooted hair.
Nice to finally see some pics. Thanks, drfeelgood. I still just don't know...the face is fine to my eyes but the hair is totally putting me off. It looks like it was sculpted by someone who was thinking about what hair looks like instead of looking at hair and sculpting it.
Got mine today and got him out and put together. Some of the straps are kind of a pain. Once he is put together, he really is an amazing figure. Really loving the stand too.
Not great pics, but here are a couple.


I am looking at mine right now. Sorry no pics right now as I don't have time. This is without a doubt their best figure to date. I see nothing wrong with the hair line at all. I think they were going for this look.image.jpg. Comparing the head sculpt to pics I googled of Aragorn the shape of the sculpt is very close. What I mean is the brows, jaw line, and the hip bones look to match up very close. Even the butt chin and puffiness of his lips look accurate. I think the eyes are the tiniest bit too close together and the nose is off a bit but still a very nice head sculpt. What's funny is, Googling pictures of Aragorn, he looks so different in different pics. I guess that why his likeness is hard to nail.

His duster is a thing of beauty. Very thin material, no bulkiness. This is how Sideshows was supposed to look. The jerkin? is very nice as well. The gray shirt, even though it is long sleeved lacks the detail of ACIs. Wish it had it but oh well. Black pants are black pants. What can you say. Boots are nice enough. ACIs may look better but the ankle articulation you can get with these make it an even trade off. Have not even looked at his weapons or base yet.
I don't post much here anymore - I don't begrudge anyone their opinion, I'd just hate for someone to miss out on this excellent figure due to the prevalent "find a flaw and make it a chorus" attitude of the 1/6 internet community. For what it's worth, based on my own in-hand observations, Asmus' Aragorn is clearly the best 1/6 version of the character to date.

I don't post much here anymore - I don't begrudge anyone their opinion, I'd just hate for someone to miss out on this excellent figure due to the prevalent "find a flaw and make it a chorus" attitude of the 1/6 internet community. For what it's worth, based on my own in-hand observations, Asmus' Aragorn is clearly the best 1/6 version of the character to date.

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You're the second person to have them both and compare and pick the Asmus one. Not to make it company versus company but it's nice to hear after some of the comments about Asmus that have been posted. I don't have the ACI one but to my eye I like the look of the Asmus one better.
You're the second person to have them both and compare and pick the Asmus one. Not to make it company versus company but it's nice to hear after some of the comments about Asmus that have been posted. I don't have the ACI one but to my eye I like the look of the Asmus one better.

Well, just to be 100% clear - those are both my pics, but I sold off my ACI a while ago. I didn't care for the rooted hair and felt the face was too broad (perhaps just the set of the eyes?). I did think the costume was excellent, but also thought the body was restrictive and the sculpted boots too limited.

So I am not comparing them in real time but I feel comfortable keeping Asmus Aragorn as "my" Aragorn, whereas I didn't feel that way about the ACI figure. I am also NOT the type of fan that can immediately recognize inaccuracies in the intricacies of the costume, variations from scene-to-scene, etc. So my opinion is based more on repeated viewings than studious attention to detail, if that helps.