Nice picture!
Well, I received mine.... picked him up at the post office... Overall, a wonderful figure, though mine did come with some issues...
On the plus side...
This is clearly a labor-of-love for Asmus. They went all out on this one. The material choice is excellent, the robes and cloak are soft material yet woven and textured as they should be. The dirt deco is excellent too. This is the first Asmus figure that I won't need to do anything to except water treat. The extras are also given the same attention to detail. The face -- as mentioned again and again -- is the best Gandalf I seen yet. And yes, the hat is also my favorite accessory (forget who said that).
Fresh from the box, no-futz pictures...

And now... the problems:
As others have mentioned, my box arrived somewhat dinged up, with a nice dent/crease up the back. And also, I have the loose ankles everyone's been talking about -- frustrating but fixable.
NOW.... I do have some problems that I have not seen mentioned here. Mainly, my poor Gandalf has a terrible bald spot problem. I love the "real" hair -- but I think Asmus could use a little more hair and not be so sparing.
Here's what I mean:
Is this what everyone else got...? I'm not seeing enough hair there to cover the back scalp.
The other issue is that I also have a bit of bubbling or something going on on one side of my beautiful sword that's unfortunately distracting...
This is actually the very first Asmus figure I have had some problems with. Luck of the draw, I know. Something must have happened at the factory because when I opened the box the plastic "wrap" that I assume is supposed to go around the face (and hold the hair in place) was laying loose inside the box and Gandalf's hair was sticking to the foam oddly. Perhaps that accentuated the bald spot.
In any event, aside from these issues, I do really love this figure and can see the tremendous amount of work and effort and dedication that Asmus has put into their Gandalf. I am greatly enjoying seeing the leaps in improvement with virtually every figure coming out of this company. Hopefully their shipping and packing QC will also improve with an equal leap.