Asmus Toys : Gandalf the Grey

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I'm assuming some detail will be lost in production as is usually the case, so some of those wrinkles will probably fade a bit and end up just about perfect.

I have to admit, I'm very impressed with how this turned out. As long as the production piece isn't screwed up (hair, sculpt, paint, clothing, etc) then they've hit a home run here!
Mixed emotions for me. On one hand I think it looks like a great interpretation of Gandolf. But I really can't see Ian McKellan in the sculpt. I thought Asmus did a great job with their Saruman sculpt. I can easily see Chris Lee in there. What happened with the Gandalf prototype sculpt? That looked spot on I thought. As it is, this looks to be a great figure, but I will be eagerly awaiting in hand pics before ordering.
What happens to these things? Is it too many cooks in the kitchen? I'm sorry but this Gandalf looks a little wasted...

gandald jacked.jpg
Does anyone have experience in ordering from asmus to the UK? shall I expect a custom charge?
How much? I'm deciding whether to wait for this to be put up for sale by eBay sellers
I've only ordered Saruman directly from them and I did get a customs charge from Parcel Force.

How much are those custom charges usually because I'd like to pre-order but I don't know if it will be cheaper than the mark-up from my local webshop.
How much are those custom charges usually because I'd like to pre-order but I don't know if it will be cheaper than the mark-up from my local webshop.

Same thing . I got Saruman from them and had a large customs charge, plus Saruman's brown box ( the one on the outside) pointed out it was a collectible figure, so it makes things more risky ( Theft , customs etc.) I asked them about it, if they could cover the brown box for Gandalf, if not, I'm getting him from a different seller
If they released that original head sculpt seperately I would buy it in a heart beat!


I agree , the original sculpt on the left looked a lot better, but the new one isn't so bad. No idea why they decided to change him this point in the game. The eyes, the shape of the foreahead, and the eyebrowns look much better on the version on the left.

I agree , the original sculpt on the left looked a lot better, but the new one isn't so bad. No idea why they decided to change him this point in the game. The eyes, the shape of the foreahead, and the eyebrowns look much better on the version on the left.

And it actually looks like the actor who portrayed him. Even without the wrinkles and looking too old, I just can't see any likeness similarities in the new sculpt. It's a great looking Gandalf, just not the one we saw in movies, IMO.
What happens to these things? Is it too many cooks in the kitchen? I'm sorry but this Gandalf looks a little wasted...

View attachment 252207

I understand the reason for rooted hair, and it does seem that most people prefer it over loosing neck articulation.

But being on the group that would gladly exchange neck articulation for sculpted hair, this prototype makes me so sad for what it could have been. The base of the hair alone is superb (one of my main gripes with Samuran is that "hole" spot in his forehead, where the hair comes from).

In the rooted version Gandalf, I see a "unmasked Robocop" effect on the forehead. Like his face is in front of the place of where his hair come from.

I remember feeling the same when they showed the sculpted hair Tauriel.
A lot of the likeness goes away without the hairline. It changes the width and height of his face tremendously. I've said that since day one. Adamantly.
I would also love to get the sculpted hair head as well. I would probably prefer to use that admittedly. I'm still in, but did and still do wish for the sculpted head to make its way to us one way or another.

Maybe George can chime in for us on the matter soon.
I had so much hope for this figure after seeing the perfection that is the proto-sculpt. The rooted hair is not what I wanted and I agree with those who already commented on how it messes with the forehead. This figure looks like really good cosplay, but not Ian Mckellen (if that's how you spell his name). This is less Gandalf and more the guy who sat in front of me getting high at a Phish concert last year.

No sale for me....very disappointing.

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