we didn't need to give away free body with Eowyn purchase,
it is a move that will cost at least $5000 extra.
In the company's point of view, those figures are SOLD OUT. if it is not 100%, sure, we can release it again and upgrade it, so whoever ones a better version, he can buy it. or just suck up with what you have.
And who wouldn't buy it if the 2nd version is a leap forward? I paid for my Joker 2.0 even I already own a Joker, Joker DX and Bank Rubber Joker. I own a AVP Celtic predator from 2007 and I also bought a new version from 2014. Also, the countless Tony and Ironman...
At least, Asmus don't want our buyers have to go through this for an upgrade.
That is the truth from bottom of our heart.