Ok, good, same for me.
Asmus has good customer service, that I'll say.
Site seems to be down. Anyone else can’t get through?
Asmus, can you tell us what kind of neck this is compatible with? Is it a solid neck and head or is it the neckless head? Truth be told, I'd love to kitbash Gimli as a Viking warrior... Totally already have him preordered, btw. Beautiful figure.
yes, we are working on it at moment.
So did anyone receive an order confirmation from Asmus?
It is a neckless head
So did anyone receive an order confirmation from Asmus?
This is the best figure you have made so far.
I Preordered 4 of them , because I know this is going to sell out fast and increase in value.
The attention to detail in tailoring is As good as it gets, wow
This figure is Up there with Hottoys quality.
The detail on his helmet and outfit is just PERFECT.love
Thank you for improving and communicating with us.
I cannot wait to have him.
All these pictures you guys are posting with Rooted beard looks like Crap.
You can hardly represent a 1/6th beard hair thread with synthetic hair that is Meant for 1:1scale,
The thickness is Wrong.
Those rooted hair figures that are Good are Custome made,after spending 100 hours of time with a Master hair stylist,
Everything else I have seen here looks like a Barbie, special Boromir and Gandalf, I have the Gandalf, and I hate his Rooted hair, but no choice here.
How can you have 4 hobbits with sculpted hair and then Mix and match Rooted, Unacceptable from my point of view. This is again my personal opinion.
This is the best figure you have made so far.
I Preordered 4 of them , because I know this is going to sell out fast and increase in value.
The attention to detail in tailoring is As good as it gets, wow
This figure is Up there with Hottoys quality.
The detail on his helmet and outfit is just PERFECT.love
Thank you for improving and communicating with us.
I cannot wait to have him.
Yes, I did along with the PayPal confirmation as a separate email.
It comes from Asmus Online Store (sent from [email protected])
It has an order number and says: "Thank you for your interest in Asmus Online Store products. Your order has been received and will be processed once payment has been confirmed." followed by confirmation of my address, date ordered, and invoice of what I ordered and my down payment.
Ugh. You ordered 4 just so you can make a buck?