Asmus Toys: Legolas @ The Battle of Helm's Deep

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That indeed looks horrible, more like the original release and not worth the upgrade anymore. What happened Asmusā€¦šŸ¤­
Whoops, that looks like John Malkovich playing Legolas, not Orlando Bloom. :rotflWhy is the upper part of the head so big?:frank

This is like the grinning Antman, but at least you could tell who it was.
ASMUS please go talk to your production people, we know you love LOTR.

Makes me luv my Thorin, Thranduil and Gimli figs more and more tho.:monkey3

I would be happy to wait a few more months just for the hair to be fixed. Looks nothing like the product image on the Asmus online store. Very misleading. Are they going to at least update the images there so that consumers don't feel duped when they receive the final product?

Well, I won't be racing to order.:blissysmi But haven't gotten a laugh out of fig like this in a while. :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
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The pics are in warmer spectrum lighting so maybe that's what making the sculpted hair yellowy.
To me it looks like a bad match with the lighter rooted hair and egg yellow plastic. Also, to me this only looks vaguely like Orlando Bloom.
Well that is disappointing at first glance - was looking forward to this figure as the prototype looked excellent. I think the sculpt looks OK but that hair colour looks way too yellow. Really hoping it looks better in-hand and it's just a case of bad pics/lighting. šŸ™

I don't have a Legolas so I'll be keeping my pre-order but if the hair is indeed that awful yellow colour I'd happily wait another few months if it meant Asmus could correct the it to be closer to that of the prototype, or so that it matched the rooted hair .
Rovi @inyacher, please see the negative feedback here and on the Asmus Facebook page and pass along to the team. Weā€™re not trying to hate on the hard work of the team, but the overwhelming consensus seems to be that this figure is inferior to the prototype. I think trying to get the team to fix the hair color would be a very big gesture to the community.
Did you repaint yours or did it come that way? Also do you have pics?
Nope. Don't have the skills to repaint. :lol This is the way he came. (Sorry for the terrible phone pic.)

Looks fine to me. I have no issues. I got the "Luxury" version with the Cave Troll head.

In fact, this photo may be a little more golden than he looks in person. I've found my iPhone tends to "sweeten" color levels a bit.

image0 (1).jpeg
Asmus, can you do some shots of the final figure with the rooted hair in front of his shoulder so we can see how the colour is compared to the sculpted hair. These shots so far are showing a major colour difference and that would kill this figure...
Nope. Don't have the skills to repaint. :lol This is the way he came. (Sorry for the terrible phone pic.)

Looks fine to me. I have no issues. I got the "Luxury" version with the Cave Troll head.

In fact, this photo may be a little more golden than he looks in person. I've found my iPhone tends to "sweeten" color levels a bit.

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Why does that sculpt have a better likeness than this new one...
The lack of feedback from Asmus is really concerning. Have they responded on any social media either?
The lack of feedback from Asmus is really concerning. Have they responded on any social media either?
Let's be fair - Taiwan is 12 hours behind the east coast of the United States. Not sure where everyone is on these boards, but there's a good chance they posted them and the feedback has been rolling in after they got off work for day. There's also the chance that the community contacts like Rovi can't speak on this without talking to his superiors first - Rovi has been good to us and I wouldn't want him to get reprimanded.

Asmus DOES need to comment, preferably stating they will repaint the hair and ship out in 30-60 instead, but they have built up a lot of good will with their recent efforts that will be lost if they don't comment on this.
Let's be fair - Taiwan is 12 hours behind the east coast of the United States. Not sure where everyone is on these boards, but there's a good chance they posted them and the feedback has been rolling in after they got off work for day. There's also the chance that the community contacts like Rovi can't speak on this without talking to his superiors first - Rovi has been good to us and I wouldn't want him to get reprimanded.

Asmus DOES need to comment, preferably stating they will repaint the hair and ship out in 30-60 instead, but they have built up a lot of good will with their recent efforts that will be lost if they don't comment on this.
That is fair, okay if we donā€™t hear anything by Friday then we can riot (jk).
Depends on if you're watching the DVD, BluRay or 4K version of the movie.

In all seriousness, Tolkien never wrote what color hair Legolas had...but he did write that his father Thranduil had golden hair, which is what they based Legolas' hair off for the LOTR films. It should be more golden than blonde, but I guess it really depends on the lighting of the shot.
"Whatever the colour is, if the sculpted hair doesn't match with the rooted hair, it makes the figure look bad and cheap."
This 100% (not to mention a new sculpt that looks nothing like the proto or the actor.)
I feel baited and switched.
I have a bad feeling the sculpt was changed because you know who wanted to sculpt like with HD Aragorn. I really wish they would give us the original sculpt.
Early on I had decided to pass on the Helms Deep figures (Aragorn and Legolas, so far). I already had good representations of these characters and unless the head sculpts were fantastic, I felt they were too close to the earlier releases. Proto-Legolas had me considering upgrading but I think I prefer the original release. Like Bucky, I got the Deluxe with the cave troll and the hair is a pale wheat color, nowhere near the yellow we're seeing on the HD version. I have a feeling that in-hand, the HD version will also be less yellow. Don't lose hope, guys.
Yeah, I think we need to see more pics. Recently, Asmus have been doing video previews for Gandalf, Galadriel, Elven Warriors etc. Maybe they'll put one out for this.
If it is a different head sculpt, I'm wondering why they would change it after the very recent SS Con (which had a pretty positive response)?
Did they have an alternative HS waiting in the wings?