The display base came with the exclusive version and wasn't sold separately. Best chance now would be Ebay but looking at the current listings, there isn't any for sale. It's great though, definitely worth picking up when you can!Very interested in that display base.
It looks like it came in a separate box, was it sold seperately?
Does anyone know where it could be found or if anyone is willing to sell his/hers?
The display base came with the exclusive version and wasn't sold separately. Best chance now would be Ebay but looking at the current listings, there isn't any for sale. It's great though, definitely worth picking up when you can!
Haha yes, finding a parted out version may be difficult. The figure itself is pretty bad apart from the vest (which I'd argue is better than InArt's as it has more accurate details...) and red shirt so other than those, the base is the only thing worth keeping.Thank you for your quick response ;-)
Ok, not separately, but no need for the figure, so hoping to find one loose if possible.
Definitely going to pick it up when found, fingers crossed.
Yes, ebay....
Prefer a member here is reading and wanting to sell.