Asmus Toys : Lord of the Ring : Gothmog

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The sculpt is good, but they have gone too far with the black around the eyes. Hard to tell how close it is to the original. I was tempted by some kind of repaint but I'm afraid of ruining the actual material and paint app (scar, mouth, hair) which are VERY good.
Yeah I've had nothing from bbts for a while. Have a few things that are supposed to come in march, but I'm not sure I'm gonna keep them. I'll probably add in the alien warrior in a week or two and ship.

I'm half terrified to get this figure. I know I'll like it, but it's so hideous... Do I really want that in my room lol
Cool pics, paramore. How do you feel about the figure?

I'm disappointed about the lack of detailing/weathering on the armor. Easy enough to do but... The lack of paint makes the figure seem very toyish despite the gory head.

I'm really going to have to strip this figure down and rebuild from scratch: dye the clothing, add weathering to all armor and weapons, new body, move that hump of flesh on the arm to the shoulder... who knows what else.

Does anyone know how tall Gothmog is supposed to be? Man size, taller, shorter?
I really like it. Everything has a good weight to it, paint apps on the HS are excellent. Haven't tested the articulation but I shall only have him in a neutral standing pose anyway. He'll certainly benefit from having more weathering done but I'm very happy with him straight out the box.

I'm just so pleased that Asmus are producing these figures and at a fantastic price too. Very excited to see more from them. Prototype Boba Fett came today also, and I much prefer this!
add weathering to all armor and weapons

I'm considering this too. Is it more sublte than just drybrushing...the armor is indeed black, with scratches and bruises that show the metal underneath:

Alright... Now, do I ship gothmog or let a pile of loot build up...

Yup. Do I wait for Gandalf or ship it now! I might wait so I can distract my wife with Gandalf, a non-grotesque figure while I sneak Gothmog into the display. She was freaked out about my DX Joker so much that I wasn't allowed to have him out and ended up selling him so I can only imagine her reaction to Mr. Mog.

Maybe instead of sneaking him in, I might just stick him in the shower next to the shampoo bottles. I hung the lego Shelob on the shower head and got a good scream from her out of it and it led to my kids sticking fake bugs on her pillow for weeks.
The sleeves are more or less that color, the trousers are probably more brown and made of different material:

This is true for the whole Pelennor army, although with many variations: