Asmus Toys : Lord of the Ring : Gothmog

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Yeah I never realized how red the outfits were until after Asmus should Gothmog and I went back to pictures and photos from the film. PJ like to use a lot of filters with the cameras so I think that's what caused the outfits to not appear to be Santa red on screen. Kind of like the whole blue vs brown jacket debate with Hoth Han although this one is clearly shown to be red so its not as big an arguement.
I may argue that Han parka was clearly shown to be brown too, but I'll let it go... XD

:D I was actually watching Empire on ScyFy over the weekend and caught the part where Han covers 3PO's mouth. That jacket is so clearly brown there, then in the next scene before he mounts the TaunTaun its also clearly brown. Only outside, when the material looks so dark, can it be construed as blue.

I really think Han's short blue jacket imprinted on kid's minds and they believe the brown park must also be blue.


Gothmog is too red, no matter how you look at it. Needs to be sudued with a nice little dye bath of brown (not blue). Either a very dark brick red or even a dark rust color would be better. These guys are supposed to be filthy anyway so even if you screw up in a section it will look fine -- uneven and weathered.

My figure shipped this morning from BBTS! :clap
Gothmog is too red, no matter how you look at it. Needs to be sudued with a nice little dye bath of brown (not blue). Either a very dark brick red or even a dark rust color would be better. These guys are supposed to be filthy anyway so even if you screw up in a section it will look fine -- uneven and weathered.

My figure shipped this morning from BBTS! :clap

Absolutely! My plan is for this one to be my first stab at weathering. I figure I can't really muck it up too badly. The worse I do, the better he'll look!
Yup. Do I wait for Gandalf or ship it now! I might wait so I can distract my wife with Gandalf, a non-grotesque figure while I sneak Gothmog into the display. She was freaked out about my DX Joker so much that I wasn't allowed to have him out and ended up selling him so I can only imagine her reaction to Mr. Mog.

Maybe instead of sneaking him in, I might just stick him in the shower next to the shampoo bottles. I hung the lego Shelob on the shower head and got a good scream from her out of it and it led to my kids sticking fake bugs on her pillow for weeks.

Lol that's great.

I'm gonna gave the same problem with Gothmog. Right now we are debating whether I buy and can display the Dark rider of mordor pf because i found one for really cheap because it has a small crack, which doesn't really bother me if i can get it for half price. But she saw it in person when I picked up my sauron pf and she hates the grotesque horse. Couple that with gothmog and She's likely to contort her face in such a way as to give gothmog a run for his horrific money.
I may argue that Han parka was clearly shown to be brown too, but I'll let it go... XD

Lol. I was watching it with my kids recently and I kept trying to watch it objectively, comparing it to everything else in the scene knowing the coat was brown but the lense might make it apear blue and the fact that I might assume it is blue because of the toy. After about 5 minutes I gave up decided I didn't care and just wanted to enjoy the movie. I remember being given a Hoth Han from one of my brother's friends when he out grew his toys and it became one of my favorite toys ever and it wasn't until these boards that I found out there was a whole arguement about it. . . . I won't join in the arguement because I don't care but I will say the color of the toy does no match the color on screen but the color on screen doesn't look brown (like Chewbacca brown) to me.

Now back to good old Gothmog!
Lol that's great.

I'm gonna gave the same problem with Gothmog. Right now we are debating whether I buy and can display the Dark rider of mordor pf because i found one for really cheap because it has a small crack, which doesn't really bother me if i can get it for half price. But she saw it in person when I picked up my sauron pf and she hates the grotesque horse. Couple that with gothmog and She's likely to contort her face in such a way as to give gothmog a run for his horrific money.

:rotfl Priceless! I might have to set him up on this ledge we have behind the kitchen sink. I can have him peering out behind her flower vase and see how long it takes her to notice him. I am such a good husband. :slap
Hah, I have to be careful how i mess with my fiancé, as she is liable to get me back. She likes to switch things around on my display that take me a while to notice. Like I didn't see for about two days that she had taken the tesseract cube from my Nick Fury brief case and placed it in the mask of Asmus Witch King. Stupid little things to bother me.

I like where your head is at with gothmog though. I will have to be creative with him as well. I think her finding him on the dashboard in her car in the morning would be fun.
I spent the last week telling my wife how much her grandmother looks like Gothmog. Not a really true thing, but when he arrived he was already part of the family somehow.
Hah, I have to be careful how i mess with my fiancé, as she is liable to get me back. She likes to switch things around on my display that take me a while to notice. Like I didn't see for about two days that she had taken the tesseract cube from my Nick Fury brief case and placed it in the mask of Asmus Witch King. Stupid little things to bother me.

That's awesome, your fiance sounds like fun.
That's awesome, your fiance sounds like fun.

Thanks, yeah she is a lot of fun.

Part of the reason I like collecting statues is I can't come home to find them fornicating with each other. Luckily she also respects the 1/6 stuff enough not to put them on their knees... But the figuarts and play arts! Fuggedaboutit.