I was feeling a little cheated when they were getting close to 200 each... I plan to keep a few, T1, Jack Sparrow, Superman, Batman, etc, but I can do without about 20 to 25 figures that just seem to eat up space and never get taken off the shelf.
Depending on the figure I could make sense of it but now they're all sticking near $250. That's as much as my The Lord of the Rings statues from Sideshow or The Hobbit from Weta. That to me is no longer something I can roll with. My HT collecting is pretty much done. I've got the characters represented. If I see an Iron Man armor I like I'll get it but only if its priced right. I ordered the PowerPose Mark 42 because it was priced ok at $164. I won't get the $300 metal figures thats just silly.
So $150 figures from The Lord of the Rings I can roll with if its a character I like.
It would be very cool if ASMUS followed in the spirit of their proposed ARMORED line and enabled folks to BUY a REG Ringwraith 'head', remove the ARMOR from the witchking and voila...instant one of the nine!
If you wanted MORE Ringwraiths, you'd have to buy more Morgul Lords I guess...come to think of it...they should have done it the reverse way...produce a Ringwraith with a Morgul Lord KIT!
I think Asmus is US and ACI isn't.... I think????
It would be very cool if ASMUS followed in the spirit of their proposed ARMORED line and enabled folks to BUY a REG Ringwraith 'head', remove the ARMOR from the witchking and voila...instant one of the nine!
If you wanted MORE Ringwraiths, you'd have to buy more Morgul Lords I guess...come to think of it...they should have done it the reverse way...produce a Ringwraith with a Morgul Lord KIT!
All the IM releases are just crazy to me, but I guess HT makes good money on them. There's not as many different materials to source out as with a clothed figure.... But I'm like you, Josh, done with HT (except SW).
All the IM releases are just crazy to me, but I guess HT makes good money on them. There's not as many different materials to source out as with a clothed figure.... But I'm like you, Josh, done with HT (except SW).
Now was it just me or is the Armored line just suits of armor or will they be full figures?
It's gotten there now. Before it was 1 suit per movie maybe 2 but now its everything virtually. That's just too much especially when figures from them are now $250+ and made of metal. Forget that nonsense. In the end I'm thankful they forced me to just get 1 thing to represent the movie and stick with just focusing on Middle-earth.
I've quit HT as well except for a few figures. I plan to get SW ones, any Thor ones and the Loki one that's coming up.
Now was it just me or is the Armored line just suits of armor or will they be full figures?
I've quit HT as well except for a few figures. I plan to get SW ones, any Thor ones and the Loki one that's coming up.
The way it reads...it will be ARMOR only! BUT...I can't imagine NOT having some FULL figures or BODIES to buy to create new figures. NO ONE is going to want to put URUK armor on a HUMAN for their LOTR display...as cool as it may be, just wouldn't work right.
Maybe they'll do HEADS, HANDS, and FEET at somewhat of a reduced cost and you simply put them on an existing body??
Watched a little FOTR and ROTK Monday when I was home sick... Got my son to watch the Hobbit last week! He loves the Troll scene.
I've got Loki, Mark VII, and the PowerPose Mark 42. That's it.
I'll watch a SW OT film just about every month... Of course, my son is 4, so he's just getting into it for the first time ever... it changes the experience. That being said, those never get old for me.