That would be very cool if they made dragon creature he rode too. And I hope they make an Eomer figure, he looked the best of all of them in their helmets... for some reason the helmets on most of the guys just looked too small or made their heads look fat, Karl Urban was the only guy who's helmet actually looked like it fit right.
If they made a fellbeast for a reasonable price I would be all over it but man were would you put it. Wings spread and you need to make a new room for it and even if the wings were a quarter spread and tail looped around the base you would be stuck making a custom shelve/cabinet for it.
Yeah, as awesome as that would be, wow, the size.
Ill be curious to see how they pull off the left arm/shoulder area.
When baking an Azog soufflé, make sure you get the butter/flour ratio just right or there's a good chance you could end up with a Gothmog.
Yeah, that's what I mean. It's a growth so it doesn't need to be flush with the rest of the shoulder area. They can just add it to the figure, perhaps attached to the body with a hole in the outfit for it to poke out of.
Gothmog looks like he might be from the same linage as Azog to me, san deformity.
That makes sense. I figure it will be some kind of attachment to the shoulder area.
Possible but as far as I know the only known Orc that Azog is kin to is Bolg. Book wise Gothmog is mentioned but nobody is sure exactly if that Gothmog is an orc or not. Also, did you know that this Gothmog isn't the first time the name is mentioned in the history of Middle-earth? The Lord of the Balrog is also named Gothmog.
Ya I found that rather odd that the captain of the balrogs name was recycled like that or was it intentional that he was named after the captain of the balrogs?