Super Freak
How long do animarket usually take to ship once payment is is made? I was invoiced last week and they haven't responded yet
How long do animarket usually take to ship once payment is is made? I was invoiced last week and they haven't responded yet
Just s everyone knows, my pre-order from Monkey on Fire arrived TODAY!! Official pictures in a few days as I futz with the figure...SO EXCITED!!
I paid last week also. I emailed evrim and asked cause i wasnt sure if they were shipping from NSW or China. Turns out they are shipping from China.
Theyre pretty busy getting lots of orders out.
His reply below.
Hi Con,
We ship all of our pre-orders directly from Hong Kong
It shouldn’t be much longer, we've had a huge number of orders to get through this month with the arrival of Franky, Shanks, Morgul Lord, Scar Predator and Catwoman at the same time, Franky being the highest selling POP of all time, it's been pretty hectic over at the warehouse.
Will update you once the team has dispatched your order and email your tracking number
Evrim Leventler
Received Witchking this afternoon. This figure is quite top heavy and really impressive. Good work asmus
Some quick pics and size comaprison with sideshow stock body Vader.
Sweet. I might order this now. How is the body? good joints?
Joints are loose, but Asmus fixs it with a state of the art solution to make it stand.
Yes, you see it right! It's electrical tape....
Considering that I will never take the clothes off my Witch King, I don't particularly care how they got the job done, so long as it's done and it lasts.