WTF HT??!! We get a *****&%$ Ada *****$%#@ Wong figure and still no sign of any AC figures??!!
I'm sorry for the profanity but I just can't get over how stupid this is...
WTF HT??!! We get a effing Ada effing Wong figure and still no sign of any AC figures??!!
I'm sorry for the profanity but I just can't get over how stupid this is...
Deal with it. Ada's been on the Backburner since last year. Its about time it gets revealed.
yeah let's see how fast she sells out...I'm sure the demand is high
she should have stayed on the backburner!
WTF HT??!! We get a effing Ada effing Wong figure and still no sign of any AC figures??!!
I'm sorry for the profanity but I just can't get over how stupid this is...
I just replayed AC2 and its the best one outta them all .
It's a long interesting story that spans over 15 or so years from Florence to Venice to Rome.
ACB felt short but still a fun game
ACR was again short , I did enjoy playing as Altair again and Old Man Altair.
Why does Altair talk with a perfect American accent in AC1 , but in revelations , he has an Arabic accent???? WTF happened , it's been bugging the crap outta me.
Tried playing AC1 again , its so horrible now
Got my Copy today! playing it now!
how did you get it this early? seeing as we're both in the UK? got mine ordered from Gamestop for freedom edition have to wait till tuesday the earliest.
It's from an independant games retailer, usually they sell things to anyone who asks as soon as they arrive regardless of release date. a little naughty but it's helped them stay in business...
Got my Copy today! playing it now!