Super Freak
His outfit does resemble Ezio's your right ecko. I can't get excited for this game. I was pumped for AC3 and i hammered it when it came out, but its just this setting that is pushing me away. I hated the Naval missions in AC3....thats right i HATED them, it was fun the first time then it got old and annoying just sailing in circles. Considering this is pirates, there will be a whole lot more sailing in circles.
I don't know, they will have to do a lot to impress me this time round and this may be the first time i rent an AC game. I hope the forest and tree mechanic is back i spent a lot of time in the forest areas of AC3 liberating forts and collecting things. I also LOVED the homestead lol it added a great little side story. It also added a little bit more replayability to the game for me once i'd finished the main story so, i hope to see that return in some way.
THANK YOU!! I knew I couldn't be the only one. Yes, they were cool. Yes the graphics on the water and the beach front were incredible. But I found the naval missions to be a pain in the ***, not to mention boring as well. I did like a few of the homestead missions as well, yet most of them seemed kind of pointless. Being a hardcore assassins creed fan, and despite knowing that there will be 10x more sailing in this game, I will still definitely be pre ordering this.