Nope. It is a big issue, if you don't want to have your TV area cluttered with needless hardware, and if your HDTV has limited connection ports (HDMI and composite). Because my fat PS3 is backward compatible with both PS2 and PS1 games, I can choose to have my PS3 out alone and keep the other two consoles in storage.
Also, I never traded in a system before. Don't care for it.
Edit: I forgot to mention the pointlessness of having two Blu Ray players (PS3 and the PS4) connected to a single television set. Which goes back to my point of unnecessary clutter.
It's just a convenience thing... sure, it sucks and I do agree with you guys but...
It's just unrealistic to expect the PS4 to be cheaper than the PS3 at launch with compatibility when it's not the same architecture.
The only way would be to add it inside of the PS4 itself just like the PS3 did with PS2(but the whining of the initial price would outweigh compatibility)
Sadly we'll have to rebuy our PS3 games with Gaikai, would be nice if we could get our own collections on the PS4 for free but that's not going to happen because it's easy money for Sony, lol!
I just retired my old launch 60GB to my closet due to not enough HDMI inputs on my TV... I do have a standalone Blu-Ray player though because I've become paranoid of my slims BD drive dying from too much use. *shifty eyes*