Avatar: The Way of Water

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For your cringe option I fully agree and for your badass option I was thinking more along the lines of the Prime 1 1/3 Dark Knight Returns lol

But I have no problem with your choice because it’s not this…

View attachment 612224
View attachment 612225

Just why :slap

Just go to a brothel and be done with it or watch free porn and be done with it lol
As much as I love chun li and I do… I would never have this in my house lol. I just think you hit rock bottom when you have a bunch of half naked women statues everywhere. Especially if they are little 14 yr old anime girls
As much as I love chun li and I do… I would never have this in my house lol. I just think you hit rock bottom when you have a bunch of half naked women statues everywhere. Especially if they are little 14 yr old anime girls
Rock bottom is an excellent way to describe those set of circumstances lol
Woah now! Anime is becoming the new comic book here . In a couple of years you’re going to see anime adapted movies and more. Anime is huge now and in some ways way better than anything America put out. Manga pretty much destroys the comic industry. So yea it makes sense for them to get anime stuff.

Now yes I will agree that a lot of it is very weird and cringe. Also very **** friendly BUT the stuff that is good is GOOD. Anime is peak fiction!

So Alita Battle Angel Part 2 is happening :yess:
From what I've looked at, it sounds pretty similar to the first one: amazing visuals and a somewhat thin plot.
Maybe this one will only make $2.5 billion.
The Guardian: Drenching us with a disappointment that can hardly be admitted out loud, James Cameron’s soggy new digitised film has beached like a massive, pointless whale. The story, which might fill a 30-minute cartoon, is stretched as if by some AI program into a three-hour movie of epic tweeness.

Two things I hate: cartoons... and overly-long movies.
Please tell us how it was when you get out of the theater sometime tomorrow.

(see what I did there)

But will you be able to get through it in one sitting? I guess that Depends….

(See what I did there?)

Whichever one of Sully's kids (son? daughter?) this cartoon is:


looks eerily similar to a girl I used to know in Japan. I feel uncomfortable looking at this cat/smurf and thinking of my friend. Feels like I've crossed some unnatural boundary that's off-limits for some reason even though it's not even "gross" thoughts. Damn you Cameron. You just know he spent years developing these creatures to solicit weird reactions in us. Am I just crazy or does this one look more human than the others?
I'm sure your reaction was discussed from the get go. Back when Avatar was just a twinkle in Cameron's pants.
You just know he spent years developing these creatures to solicit weird reactions in us. Am I just crazy or does this one look more human than the others?
Yeah, I can dig it. The eyes and nose are smaller in proportion to the face than other Na'vi we've seen.

Must be an important character if they humanized it so much.