The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
To be honest that's all I really got from it, I'll never understand why this man is labeled a "geek God".
Well, it wasn't because of Serenity

To be honest that's all I really got from it, I'll never understand why this man is labeled a "geek God".
Singer better at drama
JW better at dialogue
I can't agree with that, after seeing what Singer/Kinberg did with Quicksilver I don't even know if Whedon is better at humor.
I think James Gunn is the go to guy for humor at Marvel. I know everyone seems to hate Guardians now but I thought it was a much better film than both Avengers, especially considering he had to establish a world and new characters in one movie as opposed to picking up where others filmmakers left off like Whedon did.
I like GOTG, great soundtrack, some cool action, but humor for me felt forced most of the time.
I much prefer Avengers/AOU way ahead of GOTG.
Avengers characters just much more cooler and more interesting than GOTG crew.
Don't let Khev see this! He says that Winter Soldier is the modern day Raiders or Empire. If you say those originally movies suck. . .well, I just wouldn't want to be in the room when that **** hit the fan.Raiders
Empire Strikes Back
Movies that suck:
Star Wars
Empire Strikes Back
I've been seeing it all over here recently.
I thought it had the most mature humor of all these films so far.
Singer uses humor sparingly, and thus to good effect (like whenever Wolvie uses a one-liner). But that's never been his forte, even going back to the pre-X-Men days. Dialogue? I don't know if either are better or worse. They just have different approaches and different kinds of characters. Whedon always seems to have the cynical wise-ass often cracking jokes (Xander, Mal, Tony Stark), and that gives the conversations a different tenor than something where you are more focused on stoic, dramatic guys like Stewart, McKellen, McAvoy, and Fassbender.
Don't let Khev see this! He says that Winter Soldier is the modern day Raiders or Empire. If you say those originally movies suck. . .well, I just wouldn't want to be in the room when that **** hit the fan.
Don't let Khev see this! He says that Winter Soldier is the modern day Raiders or Empire. If you say those originally movies suck. . .well, I just wouldn't want to be in the room when that **** hit the fan.
Matthew Vaughn brings the best of both worlds in my opinion. First Class wasn't perfect but it balanced the humor and drama perfectly.
I know it's all subjective, but these AOU of Ultron just felt like one liner after one liner, I got tired of it after the first 5 minutes.
You would think after QS bites it that Whedon would hold back on the jokes, but nope, Hawkeye saids another humorous line right by Quicksilver's corpse. I wouldn't even expect something like that out of a Michael Bay film.
But the characters from Avengers are so much more bad ass!![]()
I need to watch WS again, I get some people thinking it really good and all, but from the one time I watched it, I would never consider it a classic like any of those movies, those movies stand out for very unique qualities, WS to me is just another good movie in a genre, nothing new or redefining.