Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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I'm squeezing 1 more AOU this coming weekend.

Sheesh! :lol

You're going to enjoy FR Ween.

I was looking to hold off and see it one last time with friends in a couple of weeks, but my girl wants to go back tonight and wouldn't take no for an answer. Guess it's round 5 tonight and 6 in a few weeks.
I was looking to hold off and see it one last time with friends in a couple of weeks, but my girl wants to go back tonight and wouldn't take no for an answer. Guess it's round 5 tonight and 6 in a few weeks.
Haha got permission from my gf to treat myself to my 5th trip tonight. Cool that yours wants to go as well.
I was looking to hold off and see it one last time with friends in a couple of weeks, but my girl wants to go back tonight and wouldn't take no for an answer. Guess it's round 5 tonight and 6 in a few weeks.

Tomorrow will be my 6th and final for AOU, Avengers I hit between 8-10, don't remember anymore. :lol

I'm cheating with Fury Road. :lol
And..........? You like or not so much? I loved it but still ranked it #3 for the year behind Ex Machina and Fury Road.

I liked it, 'twas alright. My dubbed version was more fun though to be honest. :lol

Age of Ultron seemed pretty by the numbers. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. I thought that running joke gag with Cap and the "language" was really lame and should have died after the first scene. If I were a kid seeing these characters for the first time, I'd think Rogers was a joke after that. There were a lot of gags that fell flat for me, though I did love Rhodey trying to tell his War Machine story. Whendon's usualy humor just ain't doing it for me anymore, Ultron actually annoyed the hell out of me. His Stark-liners and quips rubbed me the wrong way. It doesn't help that I'm starting to really despise Stark, but having the main villain spew the same crap, even when in danger of getting his ass kicked, bugged me.

The action sequences were good for the most part. I really loved Scarlet and Quicksilver. I liked how Cap took a liking to them and mentioned how they were science experiments used for war purposes just like him. Any time the movie played it serious, without the jokes I was engaged. Hated the Black Widow and Hulk thing though, that felt forced. I had no idea what they were talking about in the nursery room the first time I saw it. Then when I realized she was "fixed", I was thinking, "her ****ing womb is so polluted Hulk can't even have a ****ing babby with her".

I definitely liked the first Avengers better. There was a genuine sense of awe and excitement that summer, whereas this just lacked the same punch. It wasn't bad, I'm just sick of their schitick. I think if this had been more focused without all the subplots (and stupid Crystal/Thanos) references, it would have been a leaner, better story. Still enjoyable though. Cap, Thor and the twins were by far my favorite parts. I also liked the nightmare sequences and Quicksilver's sacrifice. Hawkeye was better than he was in the first (though the family thing felt cheesy as ****). I'm really sick of Tony Stark though, when he got the Vision coffin again and had his whole "we're monsters speech", I just wanted him to get off the screen. I've never gone from loving a character (Iron Man 1-3, Avengers), to utterly despising one so quickly. Tony Stark and his character gimmick and circular-going nowhere arc needs to go. Like I said in the Civil War thread, I hope Cap puts Tony in his pace.

Mad Max rules for me so far, that's been my favorite. Avengers 2 was mediocre in comparison.
Cap, Thor and the twins were by far my favorite parts. I also liked the nightmare sequences and Quicksilver's sacrifice. Hawkeye was better than he was in the first

I agree with all of that but no mention of the final moment between Vision and the Ultron drone? I loved that bit. I actually liked Ultron a *lot,* as I mentioned before (while you were sipping tea and letting Gotham crumble or whatever) that I even found his preprogrammed contradictions (destroy life to create peace even though he obviously craves companionship) to be quite sympathetic.

But yeah, dat Fury Road huh? :D
I agree with DF, the "bad language" joke fell flat for me, but that was the only one, GOTG had way more jokes not work for me.

Banner also can't have kids, Gamma polluted his little fishies, so they're perfect for each other. That is until that **** Betty Ross shows her face again.
I agree with DF, the "bad language" joke fell flat for me, but that was the only one, GOTG had way more jokes not work for me.

Banner also can't have kids, Gamma polluted his little fishies, so they're perfect for each other. That is until that **** Betty Ross shows her face again.

I still don't get why they were all boo hooey about it and feeling like monsters because of the no kids thing. When my wife and I got married we had like a two second conversation about how if it turned out one of us couldn't reproduce then we'd adopt. It's...kind of a common thing. :lol

Luckily it turned out to not be an issue. :naughty
The ending with Vision and Ultron was fine. I liked how after all that, Ultron is reduced to a drone body and has to be "destroyed" (I'm not convinced that he's "dead") by his ideal creation/body.

I think Ultron needed to be fleshed out more. Sometimes I liked his personality (I liked when he gets pissed at Gollum and lobs of his arm because he hated being identified as Stark), other times he just seemed like a joke at the expense of the character.
Well, depending on your insurance the cost of having a kid in the U.S. ranges from $500 to $4,000.

Adopting a U.S. born baby ranges from $50,000 to $100,000.

Maybe they had crappy insurance. :lol