Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Sony has basically said that they won't ever sell him back. Maybe Disney could buy Sony though.

No idea. Sorry.

They DID say that, but ASM2 didnt do as well as they hoped and hes been since delayed. Their proposed Sinister Six and Venom spin offs have been met with terrible buzz.
Sony has basically said that they won't ever sell him back. Maybe Disney could buy Sony though.

When the superhero movie dies out... Spider-Man won't get anymore movies... and then the rights will revert.
Probably in the year 2040.
This is the only full picture i've seen of this so far, I'm not sure if there are more and I have no idea who that guy is, nor do I care... all I know is that I will definitely be getting Vision if HT makes these,... I'll probably get every other one too, because I'm weak... good thing overtime season is approaching for me.acCmNeI.jpg
This is the only full picture i've seen of this so far, I'm not sure if there are more and I have no idea who that guy is, nor do I care... all I know is that I will definitely be getting Vision if HT makes these,... I'll probably get every other one too, because I'm weak... good thing overtime season is approaching for me.View attachment 131767

IF Hot Toys makes these? IF? "IF?" I will most iikely get the whole line also. Funny because I just got the WS Widow. And I do see an armored Thor.
I know it's probably a safe assumption that they will go balls out for this movie like they did for Avengers 1... But there will be alot more characters to consider this time, I honestly hope Baron Strucker has a big enough roll to make it into HT's line. Gotta have more Hydra guys. But I still doubt they will make it.
Between Age of Ultron, BvS and Star Wars, HT's gonna be rakin' in the cash for the next five years, easy. Don't forget the inevitable IM4 or reboot, the standalone Batfleck movie and Avengers III.
Between Age of Ultron, BvS and Star Wars, HT's gonna be rakin' in the cash for the next five years, easy. Don't forget the inevitable IM4 or reboot, the standalone Batfleck movie and Avengers III.

Lucky for my wallet I'm not into Star Wars much and I'm only interested in Superman, Batman and possibly Wonder Woman from DC. Marvel is my weakness.

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Luck for my wallet I'm not into Star Wars much and I'm only interested in Superman, Batman and possibly Wonder Woman from DC. Marvel is my weakness.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

:lol That's bad enough. There's going to be at least a dozen must-own Marvel figures over the next few years. For me, Hulk and HB are gotta-haves. And that's just for starters.