Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Amazing. Hulkbuster looks great. My only issue with it is seeing Cap constantly without his helmet, especially in battle scenes. That bothers me for some reason. Ultron looks menacing, no question. And presumably Thor choking Stark is his reaction to Tony revealing he created Ultron...? Very interesting shot of Widow pressing her hand against Hulk's. Is she his new Betty? Sadly no Vision in this trailer, and didnt really see Witch use her powers too much. But this is really going to be epic.
I thought of some of the same things. Guess Cap will be helmetless for the vast majority of time as usual. Also curious about the Widow/Hulk thing. I guess Widow is the surrogate comic female character in all these films nowadays. She can be Betty, Sharon Carter, Mockingbird, or whomever else is needed.
Ultron having mind control powers would be kind of weird.

Love the trailer.

One thing I want to change still is the drones lighting from blue to red. Hope the figure will come with an option or easy to change LED's
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My guess is that's an easy way to help the audience keep track of which one is the primary Ultron.
Ultron having mind control powers would be kind of weird.

My guess is that's an easy way to help the audience keep track of which one is the primary Ultron.

Exactly.om also guessing ultron can be any drone at any time.since he is an ai he can probly just upload himself into any drone he wants
Ultron having mind control powers would be kind of weird.

My guess is that's an easy way to help the audience keep track of which one is the primary Ultron.

Hopefully, and that way I'll get the red eyed one from my sig. Love both the drone and final form designs tho.
Am I the only person who thinks Ultron is yet another villain inspired in some way by TDK's Joker? Sherlock's Moriarty, IM3's Mandarin, the villain from Skyfall... all good, but all slightly derivative. Ultron came across as a robot version of Joker. It's like moviemakers can't think round that character, so strong is the hold he has on their imaginations.

Um...no, I don't think so. Ultron wants order--his idea of order, imposed on the world. Joker just wanted to watch things burn.
WOW! Amazing 'teaser'......... more like a full trailer.... So many figures I want from this

First off I'll take a Avengers Damaged Ultron Movie Promo with Iron Drone Exclusive
Ultron+Iron Drone.jpg
Mark 43 for sure, looks great
Sentinel Ultron/Hydra Bot whatever, Crysis Suit anyone?:
Ultron Drone, I'll take 3/4 of these:lol
Ulron Drone.jpg
Casual Tony Stark with Ultron Torso exclusive, yep, in fact I would love every casual clothed Avenger, especially Thor(rocking the longcoat)
They will probably make a plaid shirt Tony too(Cowboy Tony anyone)
Not a fan of Furys outfit but after not getting TWS Fury I would still get the AOU version
Mark 43 + Hulkbuster set, or I guess they could just include a removable/swapable MK 43 part for the regular Hulkbuster
Hawkeye, Scarlett Witch, Quicksilver, Banner, Black Widow... all a no brainer really..... I hope Hulk looks great and Cap as well with a broken shield EX
and then finally
I have to say my most anticipated figure now
Ultron Final Form:
No doubt -- AoU is going to be a very expensive line, if HT decides to make them all. The whole team plus Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, perhaps a new Nick Fury. Plus the heavyweights: Hulkbuster, Ultron dornes, and Ultron himself (which might be around 16" tall in final form).

Goodluck, everyone!
I dont see them making a figure of all the characters. THey will do the main team, just like Avengers, with the additions of HB and probably multiple iterations of Ultron and that's it. Witch and QS don't even wear uniforms really, they're in generic clothes. And I think for HT, they aren't exciting enough to create.
@Brainiac: Uh, actually I'm pretty sure that "Sentinel/Hydra bot" is meant to be Ultron's final form, and if not, it will be the very basis of his final form. It has the same head shape, antennae, mouth, shoulder armor etc. after all.


@Ultron-7: The drones are given a blue hue probably to distinguish them from Ultron himself since it seems like he'll be given the red color. To be fair, that choice of color is not out of the ordinary for Ultron anyway. We've had blue mouths from his Age of Ultron drones in the comics and Ultron himself has had the blue hue when he took over Iron Man's sentient armor. Heck, we've even had greens and oranges for Ultron. Red is just his most well-known color designation.

I just love how intimidating the final form looks, they really made the most out of Ultron's visage by giving it a more skeletal look.
And to think that people complained that Ultron looked "too human" in the leaked images. :slap
Cap from this movie is a buy for me, assuming the figure matches the film version of the character well. Maybe Hawkeye. Vision and Thor a remote possibility (I've held off on all the versions apart from the first one for lack of a helmet, and I'm guessing we won't get a helmet here either). Doubtful I will get anything else. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch don't look great to me from what I've seen.
Haha I only need Ultron in different forms, and even then, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be an expensive run for me. :monkey2
Buys for me are Iron Man, Nick Fury, Hulk, Possibly Cap(I have the Stealth 2 pack already on order), Ultron(final form).

Hawkeye and Widow are maybes. I have no interest in SW or QS. I want Black Panther!
I dont see them making a figure of all the characters. THey will do the main team, just like Avengers, with the additions of HB and probably multiple iterations of Ultron and that's it. Witch and QS don't even wear uniforms really, they're in generic clothes. And I think for HT, they aren't exciting enough to create.

If and when HT sees the demand, they'll make figures wearing the most boring of outfits, like they have done so before :)
True, if DOFP Wolverine is any indication.

Don't know if this is meant to be a stab at DOFP Wolverine when, even if expensive, was a fairly decent superhero costume design, but I'm pretty sure they were referring to all the various (read: needless) IM/Stark variants; in which most of the Iron Legion and cowboy Tony come into mind. :dunno
OK can someone explain to me how Ultron was created, and what is purpose was. I never read any of the comics. Lets keep the snippy replies to a minium, not everyone reads all the comics, or follow all the lore like myself.