Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Selvig would be the best option. He's known to the movie fans, but not so big that it would piss off comic fans(or give the movie real stakes). I could see Fury, but I think that is more likely to happen in a Cap film, since Bucky, Steve, and Natasha are the heirs to Fury. Selvig would fit with Coulson. It kills a character that fans(might like) and creates weight without sacrificing one of the main cast.

Oh, I wasn't saying they would kill Selvig, I was saying that since Selvig is in the movie, as is Thor, it would seem odd for Jane Foster to NOT be in the film as well. Especially after she gave Thor such a hard time for not seeing her during the events of Avengers 1.
First impression about appearance

Thor suit looks same with TDW
Mark 43 is mark 42 with red and gold swapped
Capt America suit is combination of golden age and stealth suit
Hulk same, what do you expect from him anyway
BW is back to previous avenger style
Hawkeye looks sweet with long coat suit
Ultron is badass
Hulkbuster is badass
Nick fury way less bad ass in civilian suit with head cap lol
Scarlet witch looks elegant
Quicksilver is funky

Cant wait for movie and HT
I dont see them making a figure of all the characters. THey will do the main team, just like Avengers, with the additions of HB and probably multiple iterations of Ultron and that's it. Witch and QS don't even wear uniforms really, they're in generic clothes. And I think for HT, they aren't exciting enough to create.

I think Hot Toys would be dumb if they didn't make SW and Quicksilver... I'd buy em since they are new characters. (especially over Black Widow version 4 in almost the same exact costume) :lol
Any guesses for how long it takes Ultron to sell out? :)

Sorry you missed out, waitlisted!

Also, don't forget to assemble May 2015:
I like how Ultron taps into the memory of each Avenger...Steve Roger - 40's ballroom scene...Natasha Romanov - the ballerina in training...

I just hope they don't use the same plot as in Star Trek V..."Feel you pain...feel your lost..."
Well here's a look at what the figure will look like.

Absolutely wicked. In addition to the teeth and moving mouth/eyebrows, I just love the little human touches they added to his design like the skeleton/muscle-inspired frame and the addition of toes. Visually speaking, it’s like a techno-organic being come to life. It really ties back to the very human quality of Ultron’s undiluted desire for progress. It’s not about robots being better than humans, it’s about creating a new perfected world order and a perfect being out of himself, one that is far more superior than anything humanity has ever had to offer.
Absolutely wicked. In addition to the teeth and moving mouth/eyebrows, I just love the little human touches they added to his design like the toes. It really ties back to the very human quality of Ultron's desire for progress. It's not about robots being better than humans, it's about creating a new perfected world order and a perfect being out of himself, one that is far more superior than anything humanity has ever had to offer.

Damn! Thats a great description of me
If they actually do kill someone off, I could see it being Fury or Jane Foster (especially based on parts of the trailer that make it look like Thor is really angry - what would make Thor so angry other than losing Jane?)

I don't think they've said that Portman/Foster is actually in the movie, but Selvig is, so......?

I'd say the chance of Black Widow being killed off is zero. She's Marvel's only female hero and Johansson is a hugely bankable star right now--in fact I'm pretty certain we'll be seeing a Black Widow movie within the next few years. I'd love it if Portman's Jane was killed since she doesn't have much chemistry with Hemsworth. Cap is coming back in Cap 3, and so is Tony. Hemsworth will return for Thor 3. Hulk is too much fun as a supporting character to allow to die. If an Avenger is going to be killed I think it will be Hawkeye. If a supporting character is going to be killed, I'd bet on Fury. Of course knowing Whedon the character to be killed could be fairly insignificant, yet he'll have the other characters make a huge deal over it anyway (like when Jenny Calendar was killed in Buffy and everyone acted like the sky was falling even though most of them barely knew her.) I suppose one of the newbies could die--Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, or Vision--but the audience hasn't had time to care about them yet so I don't know how much of an impact it would make. Maybe Maria Hill?

Actually I think Pepper is going to be killed. That will put Tony's character in a very dark place that will make his upcoming antagonistic character arc in Cap 3 more believable.

I'm officially predicting it now: Pepper is the one to die.
@Brainiac: :lol

@Hologram AI: Can't believe this escaped me, but if I may ask, where did you find the full body concept art of Ultron?
It looks legit, like one of those promo art Marvel tends to put out when advertising the characters. Heck the design is pretty much a dead-on match to the old leaked images we saw of the guy in the Ultron "suit".
I am assuming if Hot Toys did make a Hulk Buster it will be in the same scale as the Iron Monger and will probably have the same kind of setup were it's just the upper chest and head/neck in the body similar to what they did with the Obadiah figure.