Avengers: Endgame

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Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Not a fan of the "leak", if that's the route they're taking. I don't see how they can make much of a story in this movie if they decide to make that character as OP as that supposed leak makes it out to be. Even if that leak isn't true, I still suspect they're going to make that character crazy OP. A few examples listed below. The first part of the "credit scenes" was also a wtf moment for me in terms of how they are being introduced after all that's happened in the MCU. I guess they'd have to do it someway eventually =\

There's a scene where Cap Team fight the Skrulls. The scene is really intense, with fights and brawl, and Cap Team is almost defeated, when suddenly a shining golden light appears in the sky, and a resplendent being defeats all the Skrulls in a matter of seconds. That being is Captain Marvel.

“At this moment, Captain Marvel appears flying above Manhattan. Tony and Thor go after her, treating her like a new threat. They start a fight where Captain Marvel show all her power and defeat both Avengers.
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Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Not a fan of the "leak", if that's the route they're taking. I don't see how they can make much of a story in this movie if they decide to make that character as OP as that supposed leak makes it out to be. Even if that leak isn't true, I still suspect they're going to make that character crazy OP. A few examples listed below. The first part of the "credit scenes" was also a wtf moment for me in terms of how they are being introduced after all that's happened in the MCU. I guess they'd have to do it someway eventually =\

Yeah, since Feige mentioned how "powerful" CM is...


Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers will be making her debut in the ’90s-set Captain Marvel (in theaters March 8), but after that, she’s poised to lend a hand in the as-yet-untitled Avengers 4. And it looks like the MCU’s other heroes are going to need all the help they can get.

“She is more powerful than any character we’ve introduced thus far,” Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige tells EW. “So that alone tells you that there’s a reason Nick hit that button at the end [of Infinity War], when he realized that they were up against something far bigger than they had ever been up against before. And having her on your side is hopefully going to change the balance of power in a way that they desperately need.”

For me tho re the MCU changing, contracts running out, etc. - there's ways of making a transition. (Black Panther's introduction into the MCU I thought was great, because it was a logical thing that on an international level, a prince/leader would cross paths with one or more of the Avengers.)

IMO - and this must be Feige "taking the big swings" for me it's too much, too fast, without following up enough on other characters, and for me a more grounded approach with characters already in play would be far more interesting. Pym and Stark working together with Shuri, say. Making use of Nebula's knowledge. Where's Wong? Have Thor bring whoever he can into the mix, etc.

Also at this point I could care less how "super-powered" CM is. Lots of "super-powers" around the MCU already. It gets ridiculous - well, OK, are we saying Thanos and Captain Marvel should just battle it out and everyone else make some popcorn and sit it out?

But - if scenes are/were still being shot and Marvel DOES listen to the fans (so they don't have a bomb in their hands) IMO nothing is set. At least online there's some chatter already of folks really not wanting a deus ex machina shoved into the mix. I hope Feige is listening to that too.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Firstly, I wouldn't say that Carol Danvers is being over-powered for the MCU, seeing that an argument can be made that just about every other character is actually under-powered. And I don't get this feeling that she's going to come in and kick Thanos' ass and save everyone else. Remember how well everyone did against Thanos in Infinity War? They obviously need some help. By working with the others against an injured Thanos (he wasn't in top shape at the end of the movie), she'll definitely help them win, but she isn't going to do it alone.
But, to make things simpler, maybe we should wait to see how it all plays out in the film.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

It's fun to speculate. I don't see her defeating Thanos, but obviously she'll help. In the end I forsee Tony giving the "final blow" to Thanos and perhaps risking his life to do so. Or maybe Cap does it and dies in the process, leaving Tony just done with everything(except cameos)and puts Carol in charge.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Firstly, I wouldn't say that Carol Danvers is being over-powered for the MCU, seeing that an argument can be made that just about every other character is actually under-powered. And I don't get this feeling that she's going to come in and kick Thanos' ass and save everyone else. Remember how well everyone did against Thanos in Infinity War? They obviously need some help. By working with the others against an injured Thanos (he wasn't in top shape at the end of the movie), she'll definitely help them win, but she isn't going to do it alone.
But, to make things simpler, maybe we should wait to see how it all plays out in the film.

For me it's just personal preferences - if you can generalize that way:google. Read on this board - or another - someone commenting that even tho these are "super-powered" comic characters they kinda wanted some grounded-ness with them. Hard to draw that kind of line in this world but I like to think the most "super-powered" haven't even really entered the Earth's frame of reference yet - the Grandmaster, Adam Warlock, Galactus, Eternity, etc.

Like MegaPrime says, it's fun to speculate. Also for every fan like me who feels *dubious* about CM, there's fans really looking forward to the character and/or just want their X-men, d*mmit.

And there's been other SPECULATION too - that IW2 begins 4-5 years after IW1; that Hulk will be a major force in saving things; or Nebula; or Drax?; that BP will have a much bigger part...

I can get upset 'coz a book or movie isn't what I wanted; or maybe like Ragnarok surprised and really like it; but in the end there's nothing I can do about it anyway. TLJ wasn't yanked from theaters and re-edited 'coz a lot of folks were po'd.:monkey3

The only thing I think is true right now is that Marvel is gonna be watching the reception to CM solo film really carefully. And that Marvel's security will be insanely tight (as tho it hadn't been before).
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Lets hear it for space armor:2
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

what are the chances of this being fake?

look pretty awful, also figured they would have put the title under the Avengers logo.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

The suits look terrible, real or not. Rocket has been in space how many times? Never needed a suit like that before.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

I've read the idea that these aren't space suits but suits for entering the Quantum Realm to fetch Scott Lang.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

I've read the idea that these aren't space suits but suits for entering the Quantum Realm to fetch Scott Lang.

I'm waiting for the hairy Thanos myself.


Or folks could check out few images of the supposedly leaked IM concept art.....

Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

I think it's both a combo of space suits for some like Cap and maybe Widow and the others are wearing Quantum Realm suits, like for Thor and Rocket. We'll see.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

What are the chances that the Quantum Realm is the MCU version of the Negative Zone?

I do think that toy leak is legit in as far as costume changes go.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Thanks jye; didn't know Evans was even doing a con. Personally didn't think one or other of his original tweet comment. Only thing I got out of the interview is maybe Cap has more lines in this one and maybe has some Tony moments.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Yea it’s at Navy Pier in Chicago this weekend. I took the family. It was a pretty lame con if you weren’t there to meet celebs. Evans, Hiddleston, Karen Gillan, and Elizabeth Olsen were there.
Re: Untitled 4th Avengers film (May 3rd, 2019)

Who is that guy sitting there next to Evans?

He looks freaking miserable as in “THE GUY NEXT TO ME IS THIS GENERATIONS SUPERMAN AND I’M NOT” miserable lol