I prefer the video Jye posted..
In all seriousness I wonder how much more I may have liked this film if the issues mentioned in the above video were fixed... I like character focused movies and as a fan of most of these films I should like this film.. Even if I look past the Hulk stuff. All this wonderful character stuff just did not hit me... Not in the least..
Well other then the Tony stuff.. Though I have trouble wrapping my head around the fact that he was willing to go through with the plan with said plan putting his daughters very existence at risk.. But then again that is why he is a super hero and I would just let Jye and Khev stay as dust bunnies
Black Widows death... While a cool scene between her and halkeye… I just didn't care... Maybe because we knew someone had to die and we all figured it would be Widow. At least I did.
Thor... So much of it was played for laughs I had trouble feeling for him... All his issues were a punchline instead of real emotion.
Iron Man... Good for the most part... I wish he was in the film more. I didn't need more resolution with his father.. And we already know he is willing to sacrifice himself.
Cap... Well the writers and directors cant even agree on where he ends up (alternate reality or in MCU timeline) So if they don't know.. Neither does Cap and it goes back to him really being selfish and possibly ruining another mans marriage to Carter and messing up the present
Halkeye… Um I am happy his family is back.
Hulk... No comment.
I really don't think that EG is not a bad film But I just don't see it as the film that the guy in video Khev posted does. I blame the story.
But I seem to be warming to the idea that the film is what it is... Not great MCU but not bad MCU either. Its just too bad that a for me, a better story with a better villain was in place. I stand by that the film would be much better had Thanos sent the stones across the galaxy and it was a race between the Avengers and Thanos to retrieve them. Let the writers figure out how that would work but you could get rid of the time travel stuff and still have the original Thanos making sure everything he did and sacrificed was not for nothing.
Speaking of time travel... Perhaps this has been discussed but I just saw it in a video asking this, How did Cap and Tony Time travel to the 70's... I mean isn't that what the time travel machine that Banner and Tony invented was for... Can you time travel without it?
Another question asked and one I was wondering about before I saw the video was what was the plan with Antmans Van... That was just a Quantum machine and not a time travel machine... Was the plan just to take it to the QR... What if Thanos destroyed the van after the fact?? I guess Pym was back so he could make another... But Banner said right before all this that the stones had to be taken to their original timeline after Cap said get them as far away as possible.
Oh and if the writers and directors where so smart with this film as the khev video suggests then why did the Hulk suck so much