Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Hah! Fair enough! I wasn't annoyed by calling the guy out in and of itself, as I say don't much care about him one way or another. I was more riled up by the dismissive who gives a **** tone, and cutting in with a tangentially related rant as opposed to discussion about the probable behind the scenes shenanigans that resulted in the mess of a film we ended up with.

As others have said - without that likely interference the film would probably have been worth watching, given all of the interesting lore and restoring the mythical reputation of elves = evil that we've lost in the post-19th century era. One actor quietly bemoaning how unpleasant the make-up process was probably didn't have much of an impact in the scheme of things. My attempt at a point about the make-up was that it was obviously more effort than the MCU usually bothers with for these things, so there must have been a purpose beyond making the villain look kinda interesting. One that we never saw played out, mores the pity!

(Re the stereotypes - hahaha! My bad, I always got the impression, as a completely ignorant outsider relying on pop culture, that the US South had the same fragile-tough reputation about it as our North. Over here the north/south stereotypes are the usual dire misinformation on both sides... And don't hold true for 99% of the population. I'd go into it but it would be a long long block of text, and no doubt someone else would have the opposite opinion! But suffice it to say, I've always disliked the rudeness-maskerading-as-plain-speaking that certain celebrities have been able to get away with on this side of the pond purely because of the area of the country they're from. Eccleston's little whinge would fit into the plain-speaking thing - but he's always had a reputation for speaking his mind/calling out BS which is rightly lauded given how rare that is amongst the media. Gods this is ridiculous - sorry, for all that it doesn't seem it, I genuinely don't follow the bloke. However, he was Nine, I've inevitably absorbed a lot of this stuff by osmosis being a rabid Who-fan, who was incredibly happy to see the show back on the air in 2005, even though it wasn't with McGann...)

Understood:duff! And agree about the loss of lore and mythology which for me makes film/books really interesting when there are nods or depictions of those influences. (LOL at one point I had my mother roaming England while on a tour trying to find me a wooden carved plaque of the Green Man...long story:)).

Another thing about the prosthetics - I don't know the process for the dark elves but was surprised if it really took 8 hours to apply. There was a TV show here I caught now and then with amateur makeup artists who seemed to pull off some complicated stuff in a short time span. I dunno - depending on what an actor says - I guess sometimes I feel complaints are legitimate, when slowly a story will come out about a director's poor behavior on set.

Other times it just feels like an actor/actress is mad because they weren't called back or their performance wasn't acclaimed or whatever. It's kinda annoying to read 'coz acting jobs are hard to get, lots of people have terrible jobs:(, and it's US - the consumer - who pays the price for an "off" performance or movie over the long run:(. 'Coz now and then I re-watch all the MCU films. I like Lee Pace but don't think he or Eccleston had the voice or the physical presence to pull off acting under heavy makeup. It's almost like you need to "overact" under all that silicon:dunno and be able to "move powerfully" and have a great voice to compensate.

But true about cultural differences:lol. LOL was just reading some YT comments where someone disses "Americans" who WERE screaming at the SDCC showing of the IW trailer. Of course "the Americans" post back to go ****** the OP:monkey3. E.g. *I guess* compared to some other countries we are kinda boisterous *in general*. I haven't traveled enough to know:dunno.

Some of the cultural differences are pretty funny when you just read about them - like I guess in some Arabian countries you stand really close to each other when conversing. But this book I was reading on "American habits" warns that Americans "in general" keep about 2-3 feet from each other (unless there is a close relationship) so don't get in the face of the person you are talking to while traveling in the U.S., or you will cause offense. That's true, tho actually - someone I didn't know real well crowding my face would freak me out:horror.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Terence Stamp hated the make-up of Alien Nation and was hard to work with. He also straight out refused to even try to get into the make-up for transformation scenes and just left production, Winston Studio had to redo the whole thing to fit a stand in actor who barely looked like Stamp.

I don't remember people hatin' on Terence Stamp after that, even tho he was a complete ass****. :lol

Yeah, but fast forward to now when media passes stories around - especially *juicy* negative stories - through the 'net at lightning speed - AND just about anything Marvel at the moment is getting a lot of attention re the anticipation for Infinity Wars.

Plus as posted actors/actresses do get a rep re future jobs - now there's entire web stories re "who is a jerk to work with". Sometimes credible stories, sometimes not.

For me a prosthetic shouldn't affect the end product on film - You can be pretty compelling underneath a lot of plastic and cosmetics. Movement, voice, attitude. I love to hear actor enthusiasm:clap:


"It doesn't get old! When they're all fully in costume, sitting around with their coffees, I'm like, 'No! I cannot deal with this!' It's the most surreal thing ever," Gillan said. "Then they will be talking about their costumes in a real practical way: 'The first suit is always tricky, because you're ironing out all the parts that don't feel comfortable...' Giving advice to other superheroes... it was very funny."...

"I didn't think it was a plausible thing, to be honest," Gillan admitted. "The crazy thing is when I first signed on for the role, I thought it was going to be eight days of filming. And then I thought the character was going to die. Now five years later I'm in the Avengers! Woah! It's amazing. I love playing this character so much... I'm so invested in her, I want to see it through to the end."

She's got heavy prosthetics too:


I thought they just shaved her head and used makeup, but they're using a full head prosthetic.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Looked average make sense since its not official. Looking forward to the official trailer which should drop in the next 2 to 3 weeks.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

That spear catch is so bad ass.

The Russo's are back :rock

In the Russos I trust. LOL Falcon kicking Proxima Midnight in the face. The Guardians stuff didn't feel like a trailer scene to me - most of it, anyway. More like part of an ongoing scene.

Just hope the rumored Dec 4 release date is true.:panic: