Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Do we know if this is going to be avengers style comedy or over the top gotg2 and thor ragnarok comedy? If its the later ill give it a miss.
I expect some forced comedy but more in line with TWS/CW than GotG/Thulk.
You will probably have some comedy because GotG is in it , but more so they better spend the majority of their time with Thanos unless they want another throw say villain. They spent years talking him up and have already spent multiple movies on the heroes this movie should revolve round him and how they react to him.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Steppen sucked but we knew who he was. :lol

Didn't even know the one and done doctor who guy was in it. All i remember was thor getting beat up by a rock guy in the end. or something.

Thor should have just got Memphis Raines to beat him.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Was that baddie elf in dar world the villain in gone in 60 sec or I'm i way off lol

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

9th Doctor (Chris Eccleston).
Man, can you imagine if he was playin' this character with the energy and charisma of 9th Doctor?
He could be the best MCU villain after Loki...

Ah, and there it is. The reason why his character was so awful.
They felt he was too much like Loki, and they wanted more Tom on screen.
Main villain of the story got rewritten, cool actor in a heavy make up was forced to play generic crap.

God, do I hate that movie. :monkey4
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Haha! The thing that frustrated me was also Eccleston talking frankly about how damned long the make-up took - which got me looking at it with a mildly analytical eye.

Not that I could tell in the film itself, but for all that the end result was dire... the make-up job was this genius cross between the boyband goodie goodie Elves of Tolkien and the creepy elves of Hellboy the Golden Army. I think it speaks of their likely intent there - to have this elf that played with the good guy elf thing that Tolkien started. He'd probably been sold this juicy complicated role, which was gutted pretty thoroughly by the time the film came out. (I didn't even realise that he had hair until I started looking at the stills...)

But yeah in the actual film we ended up with a Discovery Klingon...
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Haha! The thing that frustrated me was also Eccleston talking frankly about how damned long the make-up took - which got me looking at it with a mildly analytical eye.

Not that I could tell in the film itself, but for all that the end result was dire... the make-up job was this genius cross between the boyband goodie goodie Elves of Tolkien and the creepy elves of Hellboy the Golden Army. I think it speaks of their likely intent there - to have this elf that played with the good guy elf thing that Tolkien started. He'd probably been sold this juicy complicated role, which was gutted pretty thoroughly by the time the film came out. (I didn't even realise that he had hair until I started looking at the stills...)

But yeah in the actual film we ended up with a Discovery Klingon...

Who cares what some spoiled actor thinks, he was lucky to be in thor the dark world, don't see anyone else knocking on his door. After his bs comments I don't think he will hear much knocking anyway. Nobody wants to work with an actor that complains about having to work. Go get a real 9-5 job then complain and see how many people care while your unemployed because of complaining about having to work. You can only have soo many Bruce Willis's in Hollywood, I mean as bad as Willis is he sort of earned it with working hard earlier in his career to get to where he is now regardless of how bad his current movies are.
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I regret nothing.

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Wow that escalated quickly... Seriously what the hell, I wasn't speaking of his whingeing in either a positive or negative manner but for the fact that the work taken did not pay off in the film, which is pretty much all I care about in this context.

Regarding the whingeing - that's a culture difference thing. It's regarded as being a plain speaking Northerner for the most part on this side of the pond. (I suspect it's similar to the plain speaking South stereotype on the US side?) As to Eccleston's career? Or supposed lack thereof? Oh he's working all right. He's doing what he's known for on this side of the pond, dramas with a social conscience. I genuinely don't follow the guy's career, but he's in trailers for something being shown right now. If anything his reputation for 'integrity' in the workplace probably means he's going to be happily in work for quite a while. And whilst he's extremely unlikely to ever deign to do it again, the Doctor Who guys will always be willing to have him back (Moffat rewrote the big deal 50th Anniversary episode at the last minute because he turned it down). But you know, Hollywood ruthlessness is the only part of the media that matters. And I say all of that as someone who doesn't think much of the man one way or another, rather as someone who gets irritated by uncalled for rudeness.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Wow that escalated quickly... Seriously what the hell, I wasn't speaking of his whingeing in either a positive or negative manner but for the fact that the work taken did not pay off in the film, which is pretty much all I care about in this context.

Regarding the whingeing - that's a culture difference thing. It's regarded as being a plain speaking Northerner for the most part on this side of the pond. (I suspect it's similar to the plain speaking South stereotype on the US side?) As to Eccleston's career? Or supposed lack thereof? Oh he's working all right. He's doing what he's known for on this side of the pond, dramas with a social conscience. I genuinely don't follow the guy's career, but he's in trailers for something being shown right now. If anything his reputation for 'integrity' in the workplace probably means he's going to be happily in work for quite a while. And whilst he's extremely unlikely to ever deign to do it again, the Doctor Who guys will always be willing to have him back (Moffat rewrote the big deal 50th Anniversary episode at the last minute because he turned it down). But you know, Hollywood ruthlessness is the only part of the media that matters. And I say all of that as someone who doesn't think much of the man one way or another, rather as someone who gets irritated by uncalled for rudeness.

IMO it's not uncalled-for rudeness. I agree with Skywalker and also don't believe the actor didn't know. Casting calls say age ranges, heights, sizes, whether prosthetics are involved and whether they are heavy or not, etc. Re the cultural thing, sure. At least on this side of the pond you don't whine just because you have to sit on your *ss. Heck it's not even like being a trucker where you are driving on a schedule and sitting. Or standing guard on post. Or standing at a cash register for hours.

Paul Bettany talks about the discomfort of his makeup but he also points out he knows the long line of people who would love to be in his shoes. As hard as it is to get a good acting job IMO that's something to remember when talking to the press. The Hobbit dwarf actors talk about puking in buckets filming the goblin scene in the Hobbit, and sweat pouring out of their prosthetics because of the heat but it wasn't WHINING. Most actors I've heard talk about job hardships are also quick to point out they're grateful or happy too.

LOL stereotypes:lol. The British are supposedly cultured and keep a stiff upper lip - no complaining. I guess our Northerners and Westerners are the plain speakers. Our Southernors are supposed to be full of charm and hospitality re stereotypes. :cool:
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Hah! Fair enough! I wasn't annoyed by calling the guy out in and of itself, as I say don't much care about him one way or another. I was more riled up by the dismissive who gives a **** tone, and cutting in with a tangentially related rant as opposed to discussion about the probable behind the scenes shenanigans that resulted in the mess of a film we ended up with.

As others have said - without that likely interference the film would probably have been worth watching, given all of the interesting lore and restoring the mythical reputation of elves = evil that we've lost in the post-19th century era. One actor quietly bemoaning how unpleasant the make-up process was probably didn't have much of an impact in the scheme of things. My attempt at a point about the make-up was that it was obviously more effort than the MCU usually bothers with for these things, so there must have been a purpose beyond making the villain look kinda interesting. One that we never saw played out, mores the pity!

(Re the stereotypes - hahaha! My bad, I always got the impression, as a completely ignorant outsider relying on pop culture, that the US South had the same fragile-tough reputation about it as our North. Over here the north/south stereotypes are the usual dire misinformation on both sides... And don't hold true for 99% of the population. I'd go into it but it would be a long long block of text, and no doubt someone else would have the opposite opinion! But suffice it to say, I've always disliked the rudeness-maskerading-as-plain-speaking that certain celebrities have been able to get away with on this side of the pond purely because of the area of the country they're from. Eccleston's little whinge would fit into the plain-speaking thing - but he's always had a reputation for speaking his mind/calling out BS which is rightly lauded given how rare that is amongst the media. Gods this is ridiculous - sorry, for all that it doesn't seem it, I genuinely don't follow the bloke. However, he was Nine, I've inevitably absorbed a lot of this stuff by osmosis being a rabid Who-fan, who was incredibly happy to see the show back on the air in 2005, even though it wasn't with McGann...)
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

IMO it's not uncalled-for rudeness. I agree with Skywalker and also don't believe the actor didn't know. Casting calls say age ranges, heights, sizes, whether prosthetics are involved and whether they are heavy or not, etc. Re the cultural thing, sure. At least on this side of the pond you don't whine just because you have to sit on your *ss. Heck it's not even like being a trucker where you are driving on a schedule and sitting. Or standing guard on post. Or standing at a cash register for hours.

Paul Bettany talks about the discomfort of his makeup but he also points out he knows the long line of people who would love to be in his shoes. As hard as it is to get a good acting job IMO that's something to remember when talking to the press. The Hobbit dwarf actors talk about puking in buckets filming the goblin scene in the Hobbit, and sweat pouring out of their prosthetics because of the heat but it wasn't WHINING. Most actors I've heard talk about job hardships are also quick to point out they're grateful or happy too.

LOL stereotypes:lol. The British are supposedly cultured and keep a stiff upper lip - no complaining. I guess our Northerners and Westerners are the plain speakers. Our Southernors are supposed to be full of charm and hospitality re stereotypes. :cool:

Best example I can think of for someone willing to do whatever to be a part of things is the late Haruo Nakajima who portrayed Godzilla and other monsters in dozens of films in a suit. Forget hours in a makeup chair and such, he would collapse on stage from the heat under the lights and weight of the suit, they had to drain sweat from the bottom of the suit because it was so intense it would pool up inside. I would have called it quits after one film like that, and he came back for years to keep doing it, and took pride in playing the character.

I'm sure the level of makeup and such is transparent to actors, if anything, there may be times where until you're actually doing it, it's hard to really grasp what you're in for, but at the end of the day, it's a job and what you do to provide for your family. We all endure things we'd rather not at our jobs, and we complain about them, but we can either move on to a new one or accept it and find joys in our work to overlook the bad.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Terence Stamp hated the make-up of Alien Nation and was hard to work with. He also straight out refused to even try to get into the make-up for transformation scenes and just left production, Winston Studio had to redo the whole thing to fit a stand in actor who barely looked like Stamp.

I don't remember people hatin' on Terence Stamp after that, even tho he was a complete ass****. :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Best example I can think of for someone willing to do whatever to be a part of things is the late Haruo Nakajima who portrayed Godzilla and other monsters in dozens of films in a suit. Forget hours in a makeup chair and such, he would collapse on stage from the heat under the lights and weight of the suit, they had to drain sweat from the bottom of the suit because it was so intense it would pool up inside. I would have called it quits after one film like that, and he came back for years to keep doing it, and took pride in playing the character.

I'm sure the level of makeup and such is transparent to actors, if anything, there may be times where until you're actually doing it, it's hard to really grasp what you're in for, but at the end of the day, it's a job and what you do to provide for your family. We all endure things we'd rather not at our jobs, and we complain about them, but we can either move on to a new one or accept it and find joys in our work to overlook the bad.

Never ever ever feel sorry for any actor is the rule I follow lol