Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Part of me is like, OMG this movie is only a few months away, then the other part of me is like WTF this movie is still months away :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)


The wrap party cake

Called it. :rock

Black Widows hand coming up for the killing blow.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I don't know which movie I'm more excited for, IW or A4.

I don’t have much excitement for Avengers 4 yet because I have no sense of where it’s going. IW is the payoff to following the evolution of these characters for 10 years.

I’m sure when IW is over, things will be left in such a way that I have not patience waiting for Avengers 4.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I don’t have much excitement for Avengers 4 yet because I have no sense of where it’s going. IW is the payoff to following the evolution of these characters for 10 years.

I’m sure when IW is over, things will be left in such a way that I have not patience waiting for Avengers 4.

After IW (for fans) we will be processing wtf happened and at the same time be angry and anxious that we have to wait A WHOLE YEAR for any unanswered questions lol

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I don't get excited for superhero movies anymore, but if I had to I'd be much more excited for A4 because it is the end.
It'd make me hopeful for new characters, new takes on the same characters and new directions for the series.
The fact that IW is not the last movie makes it much less interesting.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

As much as I liked the last trailer I get way less excited for IW once I remember that we have A4 in 2019.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

After IW (for fans) we will be processing wtf happened and at the same time be angry and anxious that we have to wait A WHOLE YEAR for any unanswered questions lol

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Oh, definitely.:panic:
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Infinity War has to wrap up or have some closure between it and Avengers 4 though, right? I mean it would be really awkward to have a huge cliffhanger with thanos acquiring all the gems and then they give us captain marvel and ant man 2? I think infinity war has to end with the Avengers thinking they stopped thanos and then a year later he comes back way worse.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

All the actors were contracted up to IW2 and filmed IW2 so no one is dying in IW1 unless Marvel be playing tricks.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

All the actors were contracted up to IW2 and filmed IW2 so no one is dying in IW1 unless Marvel be playing tricks.

Yeah, but Feige said someone dies 5 minutes in....
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

All the actors were contracted up to IW2 and filmed IW2 so no one is dying in IW1 unless Marvel be playing tricks.

Yeah, but recent set pics show Evans shooting in his Avengers 1 costume and appearance, so contracted doesn't mean surviving, just means shooting anything. Ruffalo was contracted for a number of films, and his 2 minutes in Iron Man 3 counted as one of them. Just means they're obligated to shoot scenes and things, doesn't mean anything regarding story.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

If this is a time travel scene Cap is definitely from the future because he also has one of those watch things on his hand like Ant man and Stark.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Infinity War has to wrap up or have some closure between it and Avengers 4 though, right? I mean it would be really awkward to have a huge cliffhanger with thanos acquiring all the gems and then they give us captain marvel and ant man 2? I think infinity war has to end with the Avengers thinking they stopped thanos and then a year later he comes back way worse.

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My theory is it's gonna be massive cliffhangers and it's gonna look like Thanos beat everyone - Thor is off getting a new weapon, BP & co. drive off the Outriders but at an awful cost to Wakanda; a lot of tech all over the world is destroyed; Thanos has most of the gems;

so it's kind of a Terminator scenario with the even more scattered heroes using whatever is left to fight back. Tony's the only one with any tech left because his manufacturing was scattered all over the globe and the spies (Bucky, Hawkeye, BW) have old safehouses and even Hydra stuff they are able to scrounge up to fight with. That's where Captain Marvel steps in too out of some old military base - maybe Fury as well to provide some leadership. Maybe even criminals like Vulture join the fight:pray: 'coz they know how to build weapons from scraps and prisons got destroyed in the fighting (so prisoners are on the loose or maybe are set loose 'coz everyone is gonna be Thanos' prisoner anyway).

And that's how Cap and Tony end up talking again in IW2 (and wearing old uniforms because that's all that's left) and then Cap and Tony get killed off in IW2 in a *spectacular and heroic battle* and BP or BW or Fury talks the grieving Peter and Bucky into putting on the suits (because the world needs symbols and at that point nobody gives a **** what Bucky did years ago) and the Guardians, Thor, the Ravagers, DS, Captain Marvel, and all join with Peter, Bucky, BP, Avengers and finally win against Thanos and then we have a new MCU.:horror

But it's kind of OK because DS explains there's really never an end, only multiple dimensions (cue nice shot of Chris Evans smiling in 1940s Brooklyn finally getting that dance with Peggy) - and leaving the door open:cool: for Evans and RDJ and anyone else who bought the farm - but they are heroes - and I can finally give my bank account a rest:horror from the pricey Marvel collectibles 'coz I am cautious about the next phases.:cool: