Marvel just doesn’t have the balls to even kill characters who’s acting contracts are expiring lol
The lame disintegrating deaths on characters who have movies coming up in the next phase was just silly, zero stakes.
Snapping a finger quick disintegration death is fine for some it is the Infinity Gauntlet afterall but ONLY if you also included a face to face beat down death that would be brutal and have impact but NOPE! FAIL FAIL FAIL!
This is all true.. But it does not mean that some of those characters will not die in the next film.. Personally I am glad they did not die as I want to see them get some payback.. I want my Hero's there. But you are correct.. The other deaths are just silly as you know they will mean nothing.. BUT it means they probably wont be there for most of the action in the next film.. And that is pretty cool. But I cant argue with your logic at all. It just did not effect me.. I also tried to look at it from the view of the characters.. They think everyone is dead so in that way it still had an impact.. We are left with a downer which also had an impact.
Russos’s said Hawkeye was on an important mission. So important it was a throw away line that didn’t sound important at all. I’m now fully convinced that Renner had a fallout with Marvel and how about Antman’s absence his upcoming battle with Ghost is going to seem silly after not helping with saving the earth, very bizarre happenings going on there.
Are we sure he is not in the next film?? Same goes for Ant Man.. We may not know the timeline of the new Ant Man movie.. GotG and IM2's release date does not match up with the time line either.
So Thanos can use it to get what he wants but not DS who used it so effectively in his own movie! Did I miss an explanation why DS couldn’t use it but Thanos could? Having the power to reverse time was lame in STM and it remains cinematically lame 40 years later, just lazy story telling.
I agree.. Thought the same thing about DS not using it.. Other then Back to the Future and the Orginal Terminator, I tend to hate time travel also.. Its why I stopped watching LOST on TV.. Lazy film-making is right.
My wife is stronger than Drax what a waste of a character he has been in the MCU.
Meh.. Drax.. He is a above strength hero.. In the MCU he is small beans. So there is not much to do with him heroically.. So Comic relief is perfect for him IMO and I like him for it
Black Panther wasn’t given even ONE great battle against the BO. Forget Thanos not even against the BO! Not even ONE battle to show off his skill set very lame 2 movies in a row now where he isn’t a bad ass. This is actually a big deal to me that Russo’s failed BP! What hurts the most is that they actually had a great build up for him to showcase his abilities especially when they showed him running faster than his troops which was so freaking bad ass BUT then it stopped there because what followed was just a blur on his contributions to the battle. Boooo!
Here is were we disagree slightly.. None of our hero;s got one great battle scene.. Maybe Cap / Widow / Falcon vs The Black order.. Thor got a quick great moment.. But this film IMO was not about great moments for our hero's... Besides he got way more to do then the Hulk and you don't see me complaining about that :LOL
I get what you are saying but this was not that film IMO... Now ho knows with the 2nd film.. I think there is a chance we don't see any of these hero's that "died" until the end.. SO BP may never get a chance to really shine in an Avengers film. But he still kicks ass in SW
Bucky was another total waste he actually fared even worse than BP he didn’t use his arm even ONCE in a cool manner.
Same thing... Its not the time... I could be wrong.. But this really is half a story.. Its also an Avengers film that is still focusing on our original Avengers Cap / IM / and Thor / Maybe Banner
Dead like everyone else in Thor 3.. Good riddance
Lack of Hulk on the battlefield grrrrr. Why why why, did Universal set a time limit on his usage? I agree with JAWS that killing BW in 4 will be a great reason for Hulk to go nuts.
I get what you are saying.. Avengers 4 is going to really hurt or enhance this film.. I believe that 100%
What a lame way to introduce Capt Marvel especially for people who have no clue why she should matter. Really bad.
But she gets her own movie first.. And then we get to see her in A4.. Perfect... Have trust in Kevin Feige will you Jye
Ok now onto what I LOVED!
Ummm can you say Marvel fixed their villain problem now holy crap lol Ledger Joker is still king but damn if Thanos wasn’t amazing. Yup better than Killmonger.
It's not even a contest with Killmonger.. It will forever be Thanos or TDK Joker.. I give the edge to Joker.. But I am not sure I could watch a movie that focused on Joker like this film did with Thanos. TDK is better villain but Thanos is the better character.
Thanos/Gamora dynamics! Damn was Gamora brought front and center or what wow.
Yes.. Need to add that to my Love list
Gauntlet/Stone utilzation was perfect!
Great opening with Hulk fight with armored Thanos (hence why Hulk didn’t really hurt him as someone had complained about).
Yep.. Great way to make Thanos a real threat.
Loki using Stark’s “We got a Hulk” line from Avengers 1 very very VERY cool.
Doctor Strange going from really lame in his solo movie to holy crap scary powerful and bad ass in this! Thankfully he more than made up for Bland Panther’s neglect.
Much better in this film.. Dynamic with Stark was great also... Of course everyone's dynamics with Stark is always great... Downey owns our ass.
Thor! Loved his god confidence against Thanos, Hemsworth must’ve bitched lol
Like I said.. It was in a Way Thor's movie.
SW was NOT underpowered in this she was a beast at times.
Yep good stuff.
Ebony Maw against Avengers nuff said
Proxima face and demeanor she was scary psychotic at times loved it.
The battle on Titan just freaking WOW WOW WOW WOW!
It was the better of the two battles IMO
Hell just the action set pieces across the board from NYC and Wakanda!
I like the NYC one better.. I am kind of tired of Armies on the battlefield action scene.. ROTK is still the benchmark that has yet to be touched.
Stark’s PTSD reaction to the alien ship arrival and NYC public running screaming.
Good stuff.
Last but not least holy crap Red Skull as the personification of death or so I think he was.
Just OMG moment that Weaving came back after vowing to never do so. How much did that cost Disney! Truly a grand jaw dropping moment I was blown away and super happy to see him! Finally closure took long enough sheesh!
I don't think it was Weaving but yes it was great and a nice surprise.
Just about perfect.
Honestly when you think about it what the Russo’s pulled off here with this many characters is nothing short of a small miracle. JL with 6 measly characters and 1 villain is a joke of a movie.
It really was.
The audience gasps and awes! Really was shock and awe lastnight!
Yep.. A lot of that.. Even with obvious "Fake deaths" It's like they don't know they are making more SPider-man and BP movies
Avoiding spoilers was really super stressful i’m getting exhausted from doing that but i’m happy I did. There’s always a heavy price to pay if you want to get the full enjoyment of these types of movies.
You struggle more with this then I do.. Anything that said Avengers I avoided like the plague
So this was an IW Part 1 afterall oh Marvel you little tricksters you lol
Yes.. Well done Marvel.. If this film just had the traditional ending with an extra 10 in where they beat Thanos I would have been slightly disappointed.. AS is its an almost perfect first half of a story.