Broke and happy
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Was that blond chick that flirts with Cap but never bones him in this?
Poor bastard really needs to get laid. It's been what, like 80 years? Assuming he wasn't still a virgin when he got frozen?
can someone post a spoiler and tell me if Wong survived the snap? thanks!
Wow it looks like IW is going to fall only 4-6 million short of beating TFA opening.
That’s pretty embarrassing if I was Feige I wouldn’t show my face come monday.
Wow it looks like IW is going to fall only 4-6 million short of beating TFA opening.
That’s pretty embarrassing if I was Feige I wouldn’t show my face come monday.
Does Dr. Strange have a girlfriend? Or does his cape do that for him?
Star Wars (before TLJ) is still King!
I'm pretty sure IW will have a bigger global opening.
Star Wars (before TLJ) (and only domestically) is still King!
Saw this opening night and loved it, but I do have one question from a continuity standpoint that I don't think anyone has mentioned:
When Thor, Rocket and Groot go to get Stormbreaker forged, PD's dwarf character explains how Thanos forced him to make the gauntlet, then killed everyone else once he did so. He's also PO'd at Thor, as he'd pledged to protect them (I'm assuming they belonged to one of the 9 realms). Given that we saw Thanos with the gauntlet in an end credits scene way back for Age of Ultron, when exactly did Thanos do this? Seems likely that eventually word of this would have reached Asgard or Heimdall would have noticed something was amiss. Did anyone else wonder about this?
I'd be embarrassed too if my movie couldn't outperform The First Avenger.
Star Wars (before TLJ) is still King!
Yes Nidavellir was part of the 9 realms.
Good point. Didn't really think about that. But...
perhaps it was happening simultaneously to the events of Hela's return as Thor Ragnarok runs right into IW and Thanos already had the gauntlet with the Power Stone. And that would have occupied Heimdall's concentration from not seeing it happening and obviously stopped Asgard from responding.
As far as the end credit scene, remember there was also a gauntlet in Odin's vault on Asgard that was a "fake" as Hela so eloquently put it. Perhaps the one we see him with was just a template created by him, but he needed Eitri & the Dwarves to forge the true gauntlet in order for it to be indestructible and capable of withstanding the power of the infinity stones.
Saw this opening night and loved it, but I do have one question from a continuity standpoint that I don't think anyone has mentioned:
When Thor, Rocket and Groot go to get Stormbreaker forged, PD's dwarf character explains how Thanos forced him to make the gauntlet, then killed everyone else once he did so. He's also PO'd at Thor, as he'd pledged to protect them (I'm assuming they belonged to one of the 9 realms). Given that we saw Thanos with the gauntlet in an end credits scene way back for Age of Ultron, when exactly did Thanos do this? Seems likely that eventually word of this would have reached Asgard or Heimdall would have noticed something was amiss. Did anyone else wonder about this?