I hope Zach, crows or Snikt move next door to you or all 3 of them do simultaneously lol
Didn't Zach and crows like it?

Anyway, I'll give you my basic issues with CW again just so you see where I along with the minority of others who didn't like it are coming from. All opinionated of course and I'll put it in a spoiler tag so others don't have to read through it.
1. Everything between the Lagos battle and the airport battle was just straight-up boring to me, much like BvS although maybe to a lesser extent. It got so boring that I found myself not caring about what would happen and forgot what the plot was even about.
2. Spider-Man's inclusion in the film felt forced to me, as if he was there solely as a marketing tool. Now mind you I like Holland in the role and don't have any issues with how he acts, my biggest problem with his presence in CW isn't Spider-Man himself, but that Tony recruits him out of nowhere after having his change of heart when that black woman (I can't remember her name) preeches to him about her dead son. WTF? You have a change of heart because of a dead kid and then recruit a kid around the same age to fight against a super soldier?
3. They totally wasted Zemo by giving him a believable character arc but then destroyed my ability to give him proper credit by having his plan be entirely dependent on small events conveniently working out in his favor; events that he had no way of controlling. It also destroys the "Heroes vs. Heroes" theme by throwing him into the mix at all, much like how BvS threw crappy Lex into the mix when he was never needed. Both movies had justified conflicts between the heroes, leave it up to them and keep Zemo and Lex out of the picture altogether.
4. Then there's the mess that was the airport battle - once we finally get to the action, it looks like a kid playing with action figures. And then just when I thought it couldn't get more cartoony, Ant-Man is giant. And that came from the people who gave us the great Winter Soldier?
Don't even get me started on the Raft scenes... I almost walked out of the theatre.
Movie is a mess. I don't get the praise for it when all it was, was another BvS only mildly more enjoyable.
Avengers 1, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, and even First Avenger **** all over Civil Bore.
2. Spider-Man's inclusion in the film felt forced to me, as if he was there solely as a marketing tool. Now mind you I like Holland in the role and don't have any issues with how he acts, my biggest problem with his presence in CW isn't Spider-Man himself, but that Tony recruits him out of nowhere after having his change of heart when that black woman (I can't remember her name) preeches to him about her dead son. WTF? You have a change of heart because of a dead kid and then recruit a kid around the same age to fight against a super soldier?
3. They totally wasted Zemo by giving him a believable character arc but then destroyed my ability to give him proper credit by having his plan be entirely dependent on small events conveniently working out in his favor; events that he had no way of controlling. It also destroys the "Heroes vs. Heroes" theme by throwing him into the mix at all, much like how BvS threw crappy Lex into the mix when he was never needed. Both movies had justified conflicts between the heroes, leave it up to them and keep Zemo and Lex out of the picture altogether.
4. Then there's the mess that was the airport battle - once we finally get to the action, it looks like a kid playing with action figures. And then just when I thought it couldn't get more cartoony, Ant-Man is giant. And that came from the people who gave us the great Winter Soldier?
Don't even get me started on the Raft scenes... I almost walked out of the theatre.
Movie is a mess. I don't get the praise for it when all it was, was another BvS only mildly more enjoyable.
Avengers 1, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, and even First Avenger **** all over Civil Bore.