Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I hope Zach, crows or Snikt move next door to you or all 3 of them do simultaneously lol

Didn't Zach and crows like it? :lol

Anyway, I'll give you my basic issues with CW again just so you see where I along with the minority of others who didn't like it are coming from. All opinionated of course and I'll put it in a spoiler tag so others don't have to read through it.

Spoiler Spoiler:
I like your comparison to RoTK. :) I sort of felt that too. Red Skull looked just like a Nazgul.

Cool comparison he really did.

Khev’s got me thinking about ROTK now and there are more similarities this is why i’m always team Khev lol

I know right, lol.

That was actually ingenius to have Parker die. I mean if you think about it there will otherwise *never* be a "Death of Spider-Man" story on screen. He's not Cap or Jean Grey. So this was their one shot and holy crap they went for maximum Saving Private Ryan harshness with the young kid dying in his superior's arms, damn lol.

Bucky meeting Rocket and Cap meeting Groot were two of my favorite moments in the movie.

Man I hope they don't screw this up now. Please God don't open IW2 8 years later with Tony shooting arrows at maids in Stark Tower, lol.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I’m crying
And you can always tell who reads more into a comparison than was actually being made by their melodramatic responses. ;)

IW being less bloated than ROTK is a certifiable fact. And it *did* seem to follow a bit of ROTK's "formula" as far as story structure. At no point did I ever compare the quality of the two films.

Come Khev we have some walls to bust thru!

Didn't Zach and crows like it? :lol

Anyway, I'll give you my basic issues with CW again just so you see where I along with the minority of others who didn't like it are coming from. All opinionated of course and I'll put it in a spoiler tag so others don't have to read through it.

Spoiler Spoiler:

You little punk get off my CW lawn.
“More bloated than ROTK” isn’t comparing quality?


Correct, especially since I specifically said that IW was less bloated, not more, lol.

But you really did totally miss the point. "Bloated" doesn't necessarily mean bad, though it certainly isn't an ideal trait for a film to have. That's kind of the one single criticism against ROTK. Well maybe that and the fact that there wasn't a true "villain" that anyone got to face at the end other than the ambiguous eye but that's not PJ's fault since he was adapting established source material.

Ghost Rider was less bloated than ROTK too but that doesn't mean I'm saying it was "better." ROTK was a masterpiece (albeit a bloated one) while GR obviously sucked. My point was that I find it amazing that a film that *should* have been every bit as bloated and bursting at the seams as ROTK and *more* was actually more streamlined and tighter overall. It doesn't mean IW was as good or better, but it's proficiency for juggling so many characters and subplots can't be overstated.
Correct, especially since I specifically said that IW was less bloated, not more, lol.

But you really did totally miss the point. "Bloated" doesn't necessarily mean bad, though it certainly isn't an ideal trait for a film to have. That's kind of the one single criticism against ROTK. Well maybe that and the fact that there wasn't a true "villain" that anyone got to face at the end other than the ambiguous eye but that's not PJ's fault since he was adapting established source material.

Ghost Rider was less bloated that ROTK too but that doesn't mean I'm saying it was "better." ROTK was a masterpiece (albeit a bloated one) while GR obviously sucked. My point was that I find it amazing that a film that *should* have been every bit as bloated and bursting at the seams as ROTK and *more* was actually more streamlined and tighter overall. It doesn't mean IW was as good or better, but it's proficiency for juggling so many characters and subplots can't be overstated.

Yup just paying simple respect to the Russo’s post JL fiasco is all.

ROTK quality didn’t all of a sudden shrink because of that.


Proxima should’ve had a mouth of Sauron teeth lol
IW juggled a lot of plots yes, but more watered down and straight forward plots. Making it more “bloated” than it needed to be, half of the movie was fan service and didn’t serve the story much.

ROTK takes itself more seriously and cuts clean and tells the story that needs told. Yes, we get Legolas taking down the elephant but that’s nothing compared to say, Rocket and Bucky spinning in circles. That’s just one example. Popcorn fodder.

One is quality, one is fun.
Yup just paying simple respect to the Russo’s post JL fiasco is all.

ROTK quality didn’t all of a sudden shrink because of that.


Yes only on SSF can a post that leads off with "Return of the King is one of my favorite movies of all time" be taken as an insult against ROTK, lol.
I know right, lol.

That was actually ingenius to have Parker die. I mean if you think about it there will otherwise *never* be a "Death of Spider-Man" story on screen. He's not Cap or Jean Grey. So this was their one shot and holy crap they went for maximum Saving Private Ryan harshness with the young kid dying in his superior's arms, damn lol.

Damn that scene. Wasn't expecting Spidey to be one of them. Then you have Tony seeing him fade away. He can't protect anyone.

But we can all blame it on Starlord. Spidey had that damn glove off!!
In her spoiler review Grace seemed to make a fuss about the fact that the first character to die was black. :slap

Man she can be really nick picky. Like a female version of jye. :lol
ROTK has talking trees. IW has a talking tree. No one thought of that similarity. :monkey1

ROTK ends with Frodo's friend returning home to his modest home after a long heroe's journey, which is a classic trope. IW ends with Thanos returning to some kind of village after a long heroes jurney, further cementing that this film is his story, his "hero" journey. That was cool, because in his mind (mine too) he's a hero.
Tom Holland I thought gave that scene what it deserved perfectly; a scared kid trying to reach out to his hero asking him to not let him die. It was so gut-wrenching.
Yes only on SSF can a post that leads off with "Return of the King is one of my favorite movies of all time" be taken as an insult against ROTK, lol.


Damn that scene. Wasn't expecting Spidey to be one of them. Then you have Tony seeing him fade away. He can't protect anyone.

But we can all blame it on Starlord. Spidey had that damn glove off!!

Starlord even gave the audience the middle finger lol

In her spoiler review Grace seemed to make a fuss about the fact that the first character to die was black. :slap

Man she can be really nick picky. Like a female version of jye. :lol

:lol :lol :lol
ROTK has talking trees. IW has a talking tree. No one thought of that similarity. :monkey1

ROTK ends with Frodo's friend returning home to his modest home after a long heroe's journey, which is a classic trope. IW ends with Thanos returning to some kind of village after a long heroes jurney, further cementing that this film is his story, his "hero" journey. That was cool, because in his mind (mine too) he's a hero.

Good stuff Clown pat yourself on your back for me will ya.

Samwise/Frodo said they were a changed person after their journey.....hmmmm