Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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i've kept cancelling my second screening for the film... first it was Friday, then Sunday... I need to see it again. Hopefully tomorrow :lol
After having a couple days to reflect, I have to say this is my favorite movie in the MCU. I don't ever remember leaving a theater speechless (not to mention everyone silent during the end credits) - not because I found it depressing or anything, but completely amazed and in awe. My Wife and Son were pretty shocked even though they knew pretty much what they were in for.
The first 10 minutes set the tone perfectly with the deaths of Heimdall and Loki as well as Hulk's complete defeat at the hands of Thanos.
I'm glad that the trailers for IW were misleading, obviously the Hulk missing from the big battle was one example. They also didn't reveal that when Cap was trying to hold back Thanos, he actually had all but the mind stone at that point and not just the Power and Space stone as you see in the trailer.
Just too much to absorb in just one viewing. Can't wait to see it again this weekend.

Everyone keeps saying how quite the audience was in there theaters but in both of my showings the audience got loud with a few people saying "WHAT?!" when the credits came on.

But in both showings I was at people were clapping and cheering throughout the whole film, Thor coming out of the bifrost got the biggest and loudest reaction though, the audience both times went nuts, I felt like I was at a concert lol
Khev look on the bright side at least we can gush about IW without JAWS, Wor-Gar and ironwez cringing everytime we do lol

Now we just need a-dev to also like IW and we’re bad guys free!

Vision got it worst of everyone in this movie, beat up, healed, bet up again, killed, saved, killed again.

What I loved is how they were able to make you feel some sense that victory was possible, when Peter almost had the glove off you felt like it was going to happen, when Thor ran Stormbreaker through Thanos it felt like he'd won right up until snap!

Don't forget when Hulk overpowered Thanos for like 5 seconds. :lol
I usually don’t like Thor but man was he cool in this movie. When he threw the axe at thanos I was smiling. Think that guy earned a place on my shelf . The only Thor I have is avengers 1 Thor lmao .
Tom Holland I thought gave that scene what it deserved perfectly; a scared kid trying to reach out to his hero asking him to not let him die. It was so gut-wrenching.

When you put it this way....holy ****. That's brutal indeed! Gives that scene more of a gut-punch.

Didn't Loki die first?

All of the asgardians died first. Grace is stupid.

This is not good. This thread will die prematurely if so many people like the film. There needs to be someone that doesn't like the film to maintain the balance.

I had the same thought. Just give this thread a few weeks. They will be back and angrier more than ever. As soon as early reviews started coming in, they began bashing it; that was short-lived though as the overwhelming positivity pushed them back to the shadows, albeit temporarily.

Vision got it worst of everyone in this movie, beat up, healed, bet up again, killed, saved, killed again.

Exactly. The way Thanos just pinched it out of his head, seeing his legs go lifeless was amazing and disturbing all the same.
Everyone keeps saying how quite the audience was in there theaters but in both of my showings the audience got loud with a few people saying "WHAT?!" when the credits came on.

But in both showings I was at people were clapping and cheering throughout the whole film, Thor coming out of the bifrost got the biggest and loudest reaction though, the audience both times went nuts, I felt like I was at a concert lol

There was cheering and reactions during and applause after the post credit scene but during the credits was silent. That reminds me - loved the classic SLJ moment in the post scene......"Mother f......":lol
Yep none of us turned to ash and even one of the bad guys (Nebula/EVILFACE) is with us this time, lol. The transmission has been sent to a-dev but I hear he's still stuck in the 90's so who knows when he'll show up, lol.

:lol :lol :lol

Saw this twice over the weekend, seeing it the second time it was actually better! This film is truly something else, Kevin Fiege could quite possibly be one of the single greatest film producers cinema has ever had, I really can't believe how well they stuck the landing on this film, I'll probably see it 5 times before it's out of theaters, truly incredible.

Even though it ended the way it did and we know where they next part is going based on the set photos we've seen it's really the HOW are they going to get there that's intriguing to me. Can't wait to see this story wrapped up next year and my excitement for Captain Marvel is sky high right now.

For those that have seen the set photos for A4

Spoiler Spoiler:

Yeah same here for CM!


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That is just so absurdly insane lol

This is not good. This thread will die prematurely if so many people like the film. There needs to be someone that doesn't like the film to maintain the balance.

You always raining on someones parade :lol

True, The VVitch and BR 2049 had awesome discussion for a week and a half and then disappeared until each film hit blu-ray (before popping up again briefly and then quickly dying a second time) lol.

Speaking of dying a second time damn, the Vision. That was brutal.

Vision got it real bad lol
Hell, I even thought Loki was going to get him with the knife, and that Gamora had him up until he revealed using the reality stone.

To me that's a mark of good film making all around, with so many moments where failing to handle all the elements right could end up with the audience expecting what's coming, but they suckered me in at every turn, but it was no one element, everything was on point, acting, music, editing, it was like someone had a neuralyzer from MIB flashing us right before those moments and telling us "there is no sequel". The second you forget this is a 2 parter, you get roped into thinking any of what you see could happen.
I didn't think for a second that Gamora really killed Thanos an hour into the movie (lol) but I *did* think "wait it's seriously that easy to just sneak up on him" and was glad when it turned out that he knew they were there the whole time.
Hell, I even thought Loki was going to get him with the knife, and that Gamora had him up until he revealed using the reality stone.

To me that's a mark of good film making all around, with so many moments where failing to handle all the elements right could end up with the audience expecting what's coming, but they suckered me in at every turn, but it was no one element, everything was on point, acting, music, editing, it was like someone had a neuralyzer from MIB flashing us right before those moments and telling us "there is no sequel". The second you forget this is a 2 parter, you get roped into thinking any of what you see could happen.

That's what was great - not knowing exactly what was coming but also knowing that anything was possible with the Infinity Stones.
Lol it would of been funny if the credits rolled after she killed him.

Who here think Howard the Duck may be the one to kill thanos?
I wish Drax and the bug lady had stayed deformed for the rest of the film just to make things weirder. It would have been funny and creepy to see Drax in pieces still talking to Starlord. It's not like he was useful in the fight against Thanos.
Lol it would of been funny if the credits rolled after she killed him.

Gamora kills Thanos an hour into the movie, fade to black, "Thanos will NOT return," END CREDITS.

Audience sits in stunned silence with question marks over their heads.

Post credit scene is Kevin Feige looking at the camera saying "And *that's* how you get 20 showings a day." *mic drop*